Tag Archives: Disney’s The Little Mermaid

Expensive Cars Are Masquerading Around As Signs Of Wealth

Venice, Mask, Red, Carnival, Italy

You ever drive by a neighborhood that ends in Estates or Hills and look in the driveway?

There are usually enough European cars around for these folks to start a dealership down the street and give Audi a run for their money.

You figure places like Beverly Hills, Miami Beach, and New York are places that can afford these types of cars, but what about places you would think those people may not make the type of money it requires to have those vehicles?

Unfortunately, in my few decades on this earth, I have seen things that you would not believe.

Since, many of you out there know my absolute fiscal pet peeve is new car ownership, you understand my ire as I write this.

I can teach you to get rich without having to sign a car loan document or sell your soul. I’m not Ursula. I will give you back your voice.

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I rejected that notion that I must own a luxury car to feel good about myself and feel important. I paid off over $50,000 worth of debt so I could start investing more money in Mr. Market.

The goal was to try to always be increasing my investment portfolio by $20,000-$25,000 or more per year. It took me a decade, but I hit that goal. It’s raining dividends right now. All from just rejecting new car ownership.

I am going to share with you a few car buying horror stories that may very well give you nightmares. So hide the wife. Hide the kids. This is the part in the movie theater where you turn your heads, close you eyes and take a deep breath.

I am about to lift up the hood on the numbers behind what buying new cars will be in opportunity costs in this series of posts on rejecting new car ownership. So buckle up, sit back, and enjoy the ride.

Drip so hard or broke so much

First let me explain what drip is.

It is a slang term many rappers use and there are more or less elaborate definitions of “drip.” Offset and Cardi B use the term to refer to their diamonds and wealth, while Atlanta rapper Gunna told Billboard that “drip” refers to fashion: Drip is your attire, the clothes you wear.

But as rapper 50 Cent has shown us with his bankruptcy filing, looks can be deceiving. Fifty says money in Instagram photos are fake.

For instance, he doesn’t own like 50 Rolex watches or chains, but only rotated the same like three on Instagram because on the world of gram it’s all about appearances.

He also has stated he had $8 million in Bitcoin, but really he owns $0. He just made up $8 million out of thin air! Why put on this show? For likes of course, what else?

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Digital, Money

This is nothing new. People inflate their salaries, income, accomplishments, and credentials all the time. What makes this case so sad is that he is telling the world, not just a few friends having a round of drinks while playing a poker game down at the local watering hole.

I have noticed that once you actually stop looking and start listening to what people have to say about their finances, that is when you uncover the truth. Behind all the expensive cars, clothes, and homes most people are stressed and broke.

What is wealth

I gave my definition of wealth in a previous post. Really it means you can meet all your basic needs and have some left over to last you several decades without you sweating whether or not the bills get paid.

For regular folks, a good week looks like this – there’s milk in the fridge, none of the kids got into a car accident or ran over any mailboxes this week, and all the bills got paid on time.

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For the wealthy, a good week looks like this – enough food in the cupboards to feed an army, you taking the Rolls to work this week cause the Jag is in the shop being detailed, and you earned more in dividends than you spent last month.

Wealth is every bit as good as it sounds. Let us see the other side of the coin and how the lack of having enough coins can cause despair.

Dream cars are only for those with money in the bank

Here is where the horror stories are about to begin folks.

Brace yourselves.

I knew a guy who loved his dream car so much that it was keeping his bank account in the red. Let’s call him Edgar. Edgar grew up without a father. At one point, he was living in a shelter. After years of toiling in the salt mines, he was able to get an apartment and get on better financial footing.

At the ripe old age of 28, he decided to “treat himself” because he “deserved it” to a $30,000 BMW convertible and eventually he got a girlfriend to ride in that car beside him.

He felt that he had paid his dues so he should have a nice car.

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I don’t know about all of you out there, but I look at paid dues as 10, 20, 30, or 40 years of busting your hump to build a security and a solid foundation for your future self and family. Buying a luxury car that costs $500 a month is not the way to having a life of abundance.

How else could he have spent that money?

Let’s say he saved up the $30,000 ($6,000 a year over five years) by taking public transportation to work and invested that money instead of trying t impress people with his wealth…er uh I mean debt that is masquerading as wealth in the form of a nice financed luxury vehicle. He could have also saved up a few tax returns and got a beater to get back and forth to work.

If you save $100.00 per month your savings may grow to $731,411.74 after 30 years. This includes a starting balance of $30,000.00 and a 10% annual rate of return.

Starting amount$30,000.00
Years30 years.
Additional contributions$100.00 per month
Rate of return10% compounded annually
Total amount you will have contributed$66,000.00
Total interest$665,411.74
Total at end of investment$731,411.74
Start$30,000.00 $30,000.00

Back to Edgar’s story.

One night while going to see his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend, he was so tired (he would get tired doing like two sit-ups) that he fell asleep at the wheel. He got into a major accident, the car was in the repair shop for months, BMW lent him a loaner, him and the girlfriend broke up (she may have been with him for the car) and he got to drive that DREAM car for all of like 8 months!

He did eventually get it back, but I noticed that every couple of months or so the car would have an issue and need to go in the shop.

He bragged how he was so smart to get an extended warranty or the repair bills would be like $2,000 or more. However, what he is failing to realize is that when that warranty runs out, you will be the one paying those expensive repair bills because luxury comes at a price. A very expensive one.

Last time I laid eyes on him; he still had that car, was still single, and had moved into a more expensive apartment. Instead of investing money, he spent every dime and his bank account stayed on empty.

If he would have been willing to give up the car, he could have saved a small fortune. I tried to run the numbers with him, but he wasn’t really interested. Little did he know that his dream car was turning his life into a nightmare.

After he lost his job, he couldn’t afford to make the payments. His mother had to step in and help him. Maybe if he put the money he spent on those expensive Xbox video games in the bank instead, he might have had the money to pay his bills himself. He needs to keep that devil-may-care attitude in the video games where it belongs.

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Dante in Devil May Cry for Xbox

And his motto was “live for the day.”

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If living for the day means being broke for a lifetime, I’ll pass. He may have had a great car that made him feel like he had arrived and look like he had money, but he was really BROKE.

Do cars really equal freedom or are they a debtor’s prison on four wheels

I have owned only two cars in my entire life.

They are expensive money-pits with all-wheel drive.

I have seen people spend so much money on car repairs that it makes me want to cry. I have also seen people own three, five, or even seven cars by the age of 25!

Many people never even go on to pay the car off. They just roll over negative equity onto the latest new car purchase. Putting them in a never ending spiral of debt payments.

And do not even think about not purchasing gap insurance.

Gap insurance is an optional, add-on car insurance coverage that can help certain drivers cover the “gap” between the amount they owe on their car and the car’s actual cash value (ACV) in the event of an accident.

Even this can be something only the well-heeled can afford.

Gap can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars additional on top of what you are paying to purchase your vehicle. It must be paid for up front at the time of vehicle purchase. If you cannot pay out of pocket, they will add it to your loan. You are now paying interest on this insurance coverage.

Why do you need gap? I have a friend. Let’s call her Pam. Pam likes nice cars. However, Pam is in-between jobs right now, is several months behind on mortgage payments, and has been in two car accidents in two years.

At one time, she owed an Audi. When a maintenance issue arrived and the repair bill came in at $3,000, she couldn’t afford it so she sold it.

Speaking of repair bills, I have heard stories of people leaving the Jiffy Lube or car dealership after getting the repair quote, which they cannot afford, then go on to say, “I know someone that will do it for cheaper” or “I’ll fix it later” or “I’ll take it to my mechanic.” All just mean the same thing: Broke.

When you cannot pay the repair bills on your car, then how can you possibly afford to save for retirement?

Getting back to Pam, she ended up with gap insurance from a third party. Therefore, she was going back and forth trying to get the money for the car for over four months!

I don’t know many folks that can go without a car for this long. Her quality of life immediately went down. You could feel it with every passing month when you were around her.

One word. I will give you one guess. You give up? It rhymes with repair. Of course I mean despair.

She also has no cash savings and no retirement.

She was very young at the time. Maybe 22. This is what she could have done if she saved up that money and invested it instead.

If you save $100.00 per month your savings may grow to $1,464,646.73 after 40 years. This includes a starting balance of $20,000.00 and a 10% annual rate of return.

Starting amount$20,000.00
Years40 years.
Additional contributions$100.00 per month
Rate of return10% compounded annually
Total amount you will have contributed$68,000.00
Total interest$1,396,646.73
Total at end of investment$1,464,646.73
Start$20,000.00 $20,000.00

I have actually seen people own multiple cars even though they can only drive one at a time. However, you have to maintain and insure all of them. Just give up the ones you are not using and fund your retirement with that money.

Instead of that money going into a 401k, the lender and insurance company was getting rich off these never ending payments they receive. Put that money to work for yourself by investing it.

Tow truck companies are winning

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Have you ever seen that show on A&E called Parking Wars? Some of the saddest things I have ever seen to do with cars was on that show.

The struggle is real in the city of brotherly love. So many people in Philadelphia were getting their cars towed and booted for failure to pay parking tickets it was crazy.

Those meter maids were making like $20,000-$30,000 a year and they were on a mission! Giving out those tickets like gumdrops! And making revenue for the city in the process.

I have seen and heard some stories so heartbreaking it made my eyes start watering. I have seen or heard people lose their jobs, then their homes, and finally get their car repossessed with all their belongings in it.

One guy came out running to his car while they were lifting it on the tow truck. He had almost every valuable possession he owed in that car including the photo albums of his deceased family members.

All he asked is if he could go in the trunk and get his stuff (clothing, personal hygiene, photos, credentials). The tow driver said no.

Unfortunately, once the car is on the lift, it can’t be stopped unless you pay or have already paid and can PROVE IT!

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And that guy went from being homeless and living in his car, to being homeless on the street.

I have seen people give up their cars due to debt, gambling, substance abuse, you name it.

I know someone who saved up $8,000 and sink every penny into a new car just to have a $100 lower monthly payment. Never mind that she was still living with her parents at the age of 42.

I have also seen people have to choose between paying the gas, electric, or phone bill on-time or pay the car note.

I even had an ex-coworker get her car repossessed twice! She just had to have an SUV. She was making like $12 bucks an hour at time and was only 20. She destroyed her credit and the possibility of home ownership for at least a few years just for the sake of looking rich instead of actually saving towards becoming rich.

She was broke. She had no wealth whatsoever! The little she had, she mailed in monthly installments to Chevrolet.

Society would like you to believe that owning a nice brand new luxury car will make you look like you have achieved success.

It really only means someone has allowed you to borrow money from them and pay them back with interest for the privilege of loaning you their money.

Real wealth cannot just been seen by the naked eye in the form of fancy condos, clothes, jewelry, furs and luxury cars. It is usually shielded from prying eyes in the form of investments and inside bank accounts.

For most folks, a luxury car does not mean you have wealth; it means you have debt. Reject new cars like I have and I promise you will actually start to build wealth.

Scouts honor.

Money breadcrumbs from the show Grimm

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“We shall see the crumbs of bread… and they will show us our way home again.” – Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm, 1812

Breadcrumbs are a series of connected pieces of information or evidence. People often refer to money as bread. The Grimm Brothers used breadcrumbs in their fairy-tale Hansel and Gretel for the protagonists to find their way.

Money gems are being dropped everywhere. If you look hard enough. You can only find what you are looking for. So, look no further. Greenbacks Magnet is about to show you where to look. Just follow the money…breadcrumbs that is.

But first, who are the Brothers Grimm?


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Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

“Some men are born to good luck: all they do or try to do comes right—all that falls to them is so much gain—all their geese are swans—all their cards are trumps—toss them which way you will, they will always, like poor puss, alight upon their legs, and only move on so much the faster. The world may very likely not always think of them as they think of themselves, but what care they for the world? what can it know about the matter?” ― The Brothers Grimm, The Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales

The Brothers Grimm Jacob and Wilhelm, were German academics, linguists, and authors who together collected and published folklore during the 19th century. They are best known for the publication of their works titled Grimm’s Fairy Tales in 1812. The book contains 209 tales collected by the Brothers Grimm.

Some of their most famous tales include: Rapunzel, Cinderella, The Valiant Little Tailor, Snow White and Red Rose, Briar-Rose, King Thrushbeard, How Six Men Got On in the World, Rumpelstiltskin, Bearskin, The Dancing Princesses (The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes), The Four Skillful Brothers, and Hansel and Gretel.

My absolute favorite is Bearskin. A close second is the Twelve Dancing Princesses. Both tales had flair and a lot of truth in them. The antagonist in Bearskin reminds me Smeagol from The Lord of the Rings film, but that’s another story.

It has been so long since I have seen these tales, but I have never forgotten them and their theme of morality. I still use these stories as reminders to help others and do the right thing. For your entertainment, I have uploaded the videos from the Grimms’ Fairy Tales Classics from the late 1980’s. The show also ran reruns in the 1990’s.

The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes

The University of Pittsburgh has an online Grimm Brothers’ Home Page where you can read their classic tales. However, be forewarned that their stories did not always have the Happy Endings you are used to hearing in the more modern versions and retelling of the stories. They are, for lack of a better word, grimmer. Very different from another world-famous fairy tales author Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875). One of his most notable works was The Little Mermaid. It was turned into a Disney film in 1989 and is also my favorite Disney movie.

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The original movie poster
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A picture worth a thousand words
One of the best scenes in the movie
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I digress, let’s get back to the real reason for this post, the television show Grimm.


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Opening: “There once was a man who lived a life so strange, it had to be true. Only he could see what no one else can—the darkness inside, the real monster within, and he’s the one who must stop them. This is his calling. This is his duty. This is the life of a Grimm.

Grimm opening credits with his introduction

Grimm is an American fantasy police procedural drama television series that aired on NBC from October 28, 2011 to March 31, 2017, for 123 episodes, over six seasons.

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The story followed the journey of a Portland police homicide detective by the name of Nick Burkhardt (played by David Giuntoli), who is a Grimm. A Grimm keeps the peace and world order between humanity and the supernatural, which are called Wesen.

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Nick Burkhardt played by David Giuntoli

What made this show so great was not so much just the title character, but all the characters who played his friends around him. This is one of the first and only shows where I have ever seen the supporting cast be just as important as the main character.

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One of the best guest stars on the show was Martin Meisner played by Damien Puckler.
Meisner in action.
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Jaime Ray Newman as Angelina was the other best guest star on the show.
Angelina presented herself as a passionate and violent Femme Fatale, dressing in leather and provocative clothes, riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and she was always ready to fight.

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Just a taste of what her character is like on the show. Very fiery and combative. A fighter.
Jaime Ray Newman episode.
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Grimmsters, assemble! Catch up on last night’s all-new Grimm NOW on the NBC App!
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The Grimm cast

The show was also at times very funny. In addition, whenever the Grimm was discovered by Wesen, they would morph into their true selves and this made every episode fun, surprising, and unique.

The supporting cast consisted of the following actors: Russell Hornsby, Bitsie Tulloch, Silas Weir Mitchell, Sasha Roiz, Reggie Lee, Bree Turner, and Claire Coffee. The shows fight scenes were amazing. And the shows themes of the constant testing of morality was ever-present and consistent throughout the show just like that of the Grimm Fairy Tales. Each episode also started off with a quote from one of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales and let you know what that episode would be about.

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The very first opening show quote.  October 28, 2011.

Series opening credits

Love the intro music. It really gets your heart pumping. And the show is just as it appears.

You can see all quotes listed by season here at this website.

“When words fail music speaks. – Hans Christian Andersen

In the opening scene of the Pilot espisode, The Eurhythmics Song Sweet Dreams is playing. This song ultimately led them to solve a case they were working on. When interrogating him they got nothing. It wasn’t what the perp said, it was what he sang or hummed. Gotta love music.

Hank: What’s that song?

Nick: Sweet Dreams.

Hank: Eurythmics. One of their better. [sings] “Sweet dreams are made of these. Who am I to disagree…?”


Opening quote: “I am impelled not to squeak like a grateful and frightened mouse, but to roar….” – Of Man and Mouse, Grimm, Season 1, episode 9

As you know career choice is very important, it can mean the difference of having wealth and abundance or starvation and penury. And no wants a Dickensian existence of poverty. So, choose wisely.

Get the education and training you need to succeed. However, I say do so affordably. It behooves you to do so. You could be stuck depending on others for their help and expertise when you’re in a pinch. Such as the likes of Monroe as Nick’s reluctant informant.

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The Grimm diary

Monroe: What did you just get the books tonight?

Nick: You know about the books?

Another episode, like many…

Nick: Monroe, I need your help.

“What am I, your personal Grimmopedia?” – Monroe to Nick

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I say do all you can to depend on self. You will always have your own back. Otherwise, you have to depend on others for their help to remain relevant in the workforce.

Monroe: Hello?

Nick: Hey, it’s Nick?

Monroe: How did you get my new cell phone?!

Nick: Are you kidding me? I’m a cop.

Too funny.

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And don’t put all your money in the company stock.

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It could go bankrupt and you could end up with nothing. Worse yet, people could leave you to clean up their mess or you could be left holding the bag. One word: Enron.

Do not walk, run down to your HR department and make sure they offer investments other than stock options mostly in their firm. Demand to have more options if you don’t. If not, open a Roth IRA and pick funds outside your company. Be aggressive. It’s your money dammit.

I think of myself like Brad Pitt said in the movie Troy, “We are lions.”

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I am a lioness. I go for the gold. If one thing does not work, I get to work finding another way or pick another path.

To be successful, you must adapt. Like the Navy Seals were taught in that movie Heartbreak Ridge; Navy SEALs Learn To Adapt, Improvise and Overcome. Special Forces (United States Army) has a motto: De Oppresso Liber. Which is Latin for “to free from oppression” or “to liberate the oppressed.” The United States Navy Seals mottos are: “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday”, “It Pays to be a Winner.” Seeing a theme here.

Your greatest asset is your mind and your ability to work. Earning is what will help you build wealth. You cannot save money, if you have no money.

You know who else agrees with me? Rambo. Check out the scene for yourself here.

Sylvester Stallone as John Rambo “I always believed that the mind is the best weapon”

Although, a fictional character, Rambo was trained in Guerilla warfare. His objective was to win. However, he still had a moral obligation to help others and he did. In life people make choices, he made his. You will have to decide for yourself what is important to you because when it is, you will find a way.

Below are the careers of the cast of characters on the show and their median salaries according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Payscale, or Glassdoor, which are the following:

Nick Burkhart – Detective ($65,860)

Hank (Nick’s partner played by Russell Hornsby) – Detective (65,860)

Wu (played by Reggie Lee) – Sergeant ($69,685)

Juliette (played by Bitsie Tulloch) – Veterinarian ($106,770)

Monroe (Nick’s right-hand man played by Silas Weir Mitchell) – Woodworker ($30,192)

Sean Renard (Nick and Hank’s police captain played by Sasha Roiz) – Captain ($80,593)

Rosalee (Monroe’s wife played by Bree Turner) – Retail shop store owner ($38,000)

Adalind Schade (played by Claire Coffee) – Lawyer ($114,000)


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The infamous trailer.

“One feather is of no use to me, I must have the whole bird.” ― Jacob Grimm, The Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales

According to the book The Millionaire Next Door, 80-86% of millionaires in America are self-made. Most wealth is earned. Meaning less than 20% inherit their wealth. This is down from a high of 50% or more who did so around the early 1900’s.

In the show, his aunt comes to visit to pass down to him his birthright. A trailer full of artifacts, heirlooms, and antiques that are priceless as they are irreplaceable and is full of Grimm and Wesen lore. It comes in handy throughout the series. And don’t forget the key.

This shows that what a family member does in the past can be of significant value to their loved ones in the future. Work hard today to help your future generations tomorrow. Case in point, Nick was always consulting with the books in the trailer as a guide to help him in the show. Without the books, he would have been lost. Had he been left to fend for himself, there could have been dire consequences.

However, in the present day, most people are not receiving large inheritances at all, if any. You are better off figuring out a profession prior to even starting college. You can look for one that pays well such as business, accounting, and engineering or are of interest to you.


“Hansel took his little sister by the hand, and followed the pebbles which shone like newly-coined silver pieces, and showed them the way.” ― Jacob Grimm, Grimm’s Fairy Tales: Complete Edition & Over 200 Fairy Tales

Take a look around you. Who do you see doing well? Study what they study. Read what they read. Find out what they are doing? But make sure its legit and legal.

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What products are selling like hotcakes off the shelves? Invest in that company.

I’m sure you catch my drift.

Look for clues. Success leaves clues.


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Opening quote: “‘No,’ said the King. I’d rather die than place you in such great danger as you must meet with in your journey.” – The Water of Life, Grimm Brothers from the Grimm episode The Inheritance

One episode showed Adalind meeting with a lawyer about her mother’s estate. Not only did her mother had no assets, but she hadn’t paid her taxes in like six years. In addition, her storage unit was only paid up to the end of the month. After, that her stuff would be auctioned off or thrown away. This is all too common nowadays.

Like I said before, most people do not receive inheritances and if they do, it is not likely to be more than a few thousand dollars. You are better off working to build your own fortune. Then it will not matter what other people do with their money.


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Opening quote: “For me there are neither locks nor bolts, whatsoever I desire is mine.” – The Master Thief, Grimm Brothers

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Another episode showed that more artifacts were found that belonged to a Grimm in Europe. When Monroe’s uncle offered to sell it to Nick he asked for something like $250,000. Nick didn’t have that kind of money. Especially, on a cop’s salary. That’s a lot of money.

Monroe said that to his uncle. He said that was his price and left.

Not being able to get your hands on a significant amount of cash fairly quickly is a way to miss out on opportunities. You should always have liquid cash in savings or a stash you can tap for emergencies. I started my emergency fund with $25. My rainy day fund now consists of me saving over $14,000 a year. I learned how important having a money stash from the fictional character Scrooge McDuck.

See my post Money Lessons I Learned from Scrooge McDuck


Opening quote: “It is not light that we need, but fire.” – Season 5, episode 1, The Grimm Identity

Lots of fight sequences happen at Nick’s house. So many that Monroe told Nick he should move.

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I gave Monroe the slow clap. I had been thinking that very thing for like 2 seasons. Too many people knew where he lived.

There are times when jobs dry up. Factories and businesses close. Like they said in the old days: Go West, young man! Or There’s gold in them there hills! That lit a fire under mens a$$es to move with a sense of urgency.

To get a fresh start, you may need to move. Move where the jobs are.

Starting a business? Move where capital is plentiful and free flowing.

The operative word: Move.


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Opening quote: “Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen, nobody knows my sorrow.”


One of my favorite characters in the show was none other than Teresa “Trubel” Rubel played by Jacqueline Toboni.

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She was a runaway that would be taken in by Nick. She is also a Grimm. The show got a whole lot more interesting and fun when she came along.

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“Nobody Knows the Trubel I’ve Seen” is the 19th episode of season 3. It aired on April 25, 2014. This is Trubel’s first appearance on the show.

Throughout her time on the show, money was a constant stressor of hers.

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For instance, she did some of the following:

  • Stole a pair of boots
  • Stayed in cheap motels
  • Asked for money for food
  • Did not want to take handouts

In another episode, she helped stop an illegal teen shoplifting ring. She herself was basically living in foster homes and on the streets until she met Nick. One of my favorite scenes was when she stole that pair of boots. It was very slick.  

Well, we have come to the end of this post. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. There was nothing like this show.

I am a huge fan of the show Grimm. I miss it.

I still watch the show on demand. If this post piqued your interest in the show, check it out.

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