Tag Archives: Mr. T

5 Pieces of money advice from The Devil Wears Prada

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“Fashion is not about utility. An accessory is merely a piece of iconography used to express individual identity.” – The Devil Wears Prada

I am sure many of you have seen or heard of the film The Devil Wears Prada. It was released in 2006 and based on a book written by Lauren Weisberger in 2003. The film starred Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt, Stanley Tucci, and Meryl Streep. The film was a financial success and grossed millions at the box office.

What really made it great was the dialogue in the film. If you can decipher all the quips in the film, you can get some valuable money and life advice. All fiction has some truth.

Check out some hilarious, but honest, dialogue from the film.

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This scene was particularly truthful and funny, but on point.

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Let’s see him actually use facial expression to get his point across. 😂

“Yes, because that’s really what this whole multibillion-dollar industry is all about, isn’t it? Inner beauty.”

So, with no further ado, I give you lessons I learned while watching the film The Devil Wears Prada.

Let’s go!

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I will not bore you with the details of countless celebrities who post their closets or other lifestyle choices on social media only to find out years later they are BROKE!

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I have reviewed and studied many bankruptcy filings over the years. For work when necessary. And outside of work to satisfy my curiosity.  In addition, to reading books on bankruptcies, I seem to notice the following patterns.

Tons of credit card debt (usually more than $25,000)

Huge mortgages (for celebs this can be in the millions!)

Exotic Automobiles (BMV, Range Rovers seem to be favorites)

Property liens (foreclosures and short sales)

Thousands owed to the IRS (several celebs such as Willie Nelson and Chris Tucker owed the IRS more than $10 million dollars!)

In the film, Andy (played by Anne Hathaway) gets a job as the second assistant to Miranda Priestley (played by Meryl Streep) and works with the first assistant Emily (played by Emily Blunt) and staffer Nigel ( played by Stanley Tucci).

They regularly and casually name drop designer labels such as Tom Ford, Yves Saint Laurent, and Oscar de la Renta.

If you look up any of these haute couture designers, you will find clothing that ranges $500 to $10,000. You could drop $25,000 in their establishments in a single visit easy. The fact that you could turn that money into a fortune from investing is lost on those that buy these clothes.

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I am not saying not to buy clothes. I am not saying not to buy designer clothes. What I am saying is that I need people to recognize that if you truly cannot afford to spend like the Queen of England, then you should act your wage. Buy what you can afford. If you want pricey clothing items or fancy toys, then buy them when you have made your first $1 million or second, but not before.

See my post Name brand labels or fat stacks? You decide.


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If you ever watched that Chris Rock comedy special where he talks about the difference between a job and a career, then you understand what I mean by this.

A job pays the bills.

You watch the clock waiting for it to hit 5 o’clock and rush out of work like the building is on fire.

With a career, there is never enough time. You don’t watch the clock. You work for the sheer joy it brings you. The paycheck is a bonus in recognition of and a result by dint of hard work in excelling at what you do because of your drive and passion.  

In the movie, Andy is working in this job to land a bigger and better one down the road. That is all well and good, except for the fact that Miranda is a slave driver.

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Emily: A million girls would kill for this job.

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See my post Jobs that pay $70,000 a year


If you do some research, you can find what are the most expensive zip codes in America and the world.

According to Forbes, this would be 94027 in Atherton, CA where the median price of a home is $9,686,154.

You see the stark contrast of living conditions in the film. Andy lives in a small walk-up apartment in New York, while Miranda lives in the modern day equivalent of a palace with several floors and spacious rooms that could easily set you back for $2 million in New York.

One of the biggest expenses in any budget is housing. The trifecta of expenses is housing, food, and transportation.

While listening to a podcast on BiggerPockets, I learned about house hacking.

House hacking is when you live in one of the multiple units of your investment property as your primary residence, and have renters from the other units pay your mortgage and expenses.

If you can cut your expenses in this area, you are g2g (Good to Go). 😉

Please do not get caught up in the zip code and school district rat race. I say this because people will buy properties they cannot afford in good school districts and pay astronomical property taxes instead of investing that money. This can lead to retirement shortfalls if you are not careful.

My advice is to buy what you can afford and save the difference. Truth be told, when I looked up profiles on Facebook, I noticed that folks I knew that went to private school ended up going to the same colleges as everyone else including myself.   

Matter of fact, I know folks that were “C” students in high school and still managed to eke out an existence and graduate from a flagship university while some private school kids went to second tier state schools. Go figure.

See my posts

Why I think college should only be 8 months

Home Buying: Survival of the Fittest Wallet

Less Home, More Wealth

You could live in a safe but affordable neighborhood, drive Hondas, and put that money to work in a 401k or 529 college savings plan instead of paying high mortgages and property taxes. That would pay for college right there. I’m just saying.


There was a hilarious scene in the film where she tells Andy not to take public transportation. EVER!

I cannot say I agree with this. Let me tell you why. Public transportation can save you thousands in annual costs sue to lowering the cost of mainteannce and repair bills on your car. You could also forgo a car all together and have no car payment or maintenance and gas to deal with!

See my post Are car loans worth giving up $1 million dollars?


So, many people are working the 9-to-5 grind and in the rat race living check to check, but at the end have very little to show for it. Nothing in savings. Nothing in retirement. Nothing in the bank period.

For every dollar you earn, I suggest you find a way to stash away 5% of what you earn and slowly start increasing your savings rate monthly or annually by 1% or more. This will get you in the habit of saving and also allow you to start building an emergency fund.

See my posts

The greatest assets are people

Money and Life Lessons I Learned from Mr. T

During the film, Andy talks about getting some amazing job as a writer. However, this job is all about paying her dues.

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You do not get something for nothing. You have to give to get. That’s the bottom-line.

Building strong relationships is to key to growth and a happy life. People rarely look back and say I wish I could have worked more!

Take pictures today. In 20 years, you will be glad you did. In reality, people think more about the things they didn’t do instead of the things they actually did.

So, stop and smell the roses while you can. Right now! Bend down and smell the flowers, take that trip, go visit family, make those phone calls, send that email, write that letter, hit send on that text message and stay in contact with those you love and care about.

No one cares about who dies with the most toys. People care about what type of person you are.

If you remember that episode of Golden Girls, Sophia wanted to know who would show up at her funeral, so she spread the word of her passing.

The people who show up are the ones who care.

Your legacy is not built in things, but lasts in the minds and memories of the people whose lives you’ve touched or changed in some significant way.  

Money will not and cannot buy true friendship or loyalty. If you are watching the news right now, you can see that for yourself firsthand with Michael Cohen.

Focus your energy on doing good things and good work so you will not ever have to look back and regret.

You will only look back and smile.  

What I loved about Saturday Morning cartoons

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Generosity has built America. When we fail to invest in children, we have to pay the cost. – Bob Keeshan, Captain Kangaroo

If you grew up in the 1960s through the 1990s, then you know all about Saturday morning cartoons.

They aired between 8 am and noon. It was one of my favorite things to do besides playing video games on Saturday mornings. The best part about those cartoons were the lessons they taught. At least, that is my opinion. I later found out that programs that are geared towards children are required to be educational. I appreciated that. 😉

Those cartoons helped shape the person I am today. The name of my blog even comes from an animated episode of X-Men, and the character Magneto.

If you read my Meet Miriam page, then you already know some of my favorites. Here is a quick recap of some of those toons.


Muppet Babies – Baby versions of Jim Henson’s Muppets imagine themselves in fantastic situations. The show aired from September 15, 1984 to November 2, 1991. The show had episodes that discussed morals, teamwork, love, friendship, and ethics.

Jem and the Holograms – Adventures of a music company owner who uses a holographic computer to live a secret life as a rock star originally aired from 1985-88. Jerrica Benton owns Starlight music and is the leader of the rock band Jem and the Holograms. Jem is her alter ego. Her earrings produce holographic images of anything Jem requests. In addition, she ran Starlight house, a home for foster girls. The show ran from October 6, 1985 to May 2, 1988.

G.I. Joe – Animated series from the mid-1980s tells the saga of a fearless, globe-trotting special missions force — called G.I. Joe — which works to combat Cobra, an organization with an evil commander bent on world domination. On land, on sea, and in the air — whenever trouble breaks out around the world, G.I. Joe is there, ready to battle for ideals that America values. The show aired from September 12, 1983 to November 20, 1986.

ThunderCats – “ThunderCats” follows the adventures of a group of catlike humanoid aliens from the planet Thundera. When the dying planet meets its end, the group, known as the ThunderCats, is forced to flee its homeland. The end up on Third Earth and are constantly attacked by the Mutants of Plun-Darr and Mum-Ra. This show was very mature. It was well-written, story-driven, incredible tales of humility, strength, endurance, morality, and ethics. The show aired from January 23, 1985 to September 30, 1988.

I cannot stress enough how vital it was for me to watch these cartoons growing up. Sure, I went to school, read books, and went outside to play, but cartoons just stimulated my interest like nothing else. I love to be entertained. That is one great way to teach me.

Like Nirvana said, “entertain us.”

See my post on How Dave Grohl turned Passion into Profits

One of the biggest influences during this era was Captain Kangaroo, which was a character played by Bob Keeshan. He was no Mr. Rogers, but he had a way with words. He was able to captivate an audience of 3 year-olds and believe me that is no small thing to do.

Without further ado, I bring you what I love about Saturday morning cartoons.

But first…


Parents are the ultimate role models for children. Every word, movement and action has an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent. – Bob Keeshan

The best teacher is an entertainer. – Bob Keeshan

Robert James Keeshan was born on June 27, 1927. was an American television producer and actor. He created and played the title role in the children’s television program Captain Kangaroo, which ran from 1955 to 1984, the longest-running nationally broadcast children’s television program of its day. He hosted The Captain Kangaroo show from 1955-1984 and one of my personal favorites in its original run CBS Storybreak in 1985.

See my post Money and Life Lessons I learned from CBS Storybreak’s Yeh-Shen


Back in the old days, when I was a child, we sat around the family table at dinner time and exchanged our daily experiences. It wasn’t very organized, but everyone was recognized and all the news that had to be told was told by each family member. We listened to each other and the interest was not put on; it was real. – Bob Keeshan

One of my fondest memories from my childhood was watching cartoons. They taught me that I should know the difference between right and wrong, stand up for my beliefs, have principles and values. All things that have helped me successfully navigate adulthood and will help you in any setting you are in.


One of the big secrets of finding time is not to watch television. -Bob Keeshan

I read that Warren Buffet, one of the richest and greatest investors of all time, spends 80% of his day reading. In addition, that Bill Gates reads about 80 books a years and CEO’s read about 60 a year.

See my post Forget Simon, Do what Buffet says

Although, as a kid, I loved reading the Sunday comics; my favorite comic strip was The Peanuts, I also made time to read. Television is a condensed version of books. You have to read to get all the knowledge and shows for kids usually encouraged us to express our individuality and explore our creativity through reading more.

See my post Life Lessons from Race for your life Charlie Brown

From deciding to read about finances, I learned to do the following:

  • Start saving 40% or more of my income
  • Invest in index funds such as VTSAX, VFINX, or VITSX
  • Read 2 finance books a month


A child needs to be listened to and talked to at 3 and 4 and 5 years of age. Parents should not wait for the sophisticated conversation of a teenager. – Bob Keeshan

I cannot tell you how many times I had to tap dance sometimes in my house to be heard. When you have siblings you better find a way to stand out. However, there were times when I would start talking to adults and telling them how I felt. To my surprise, they listened. I learned not to be shy and to use my words not my fists. Keep all hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Got it!

I enjoy meeting not only contemporary children, but yesterday’s children as well. It’s nice to talk about the experiences we shared, they tell me, ‘You were a good friend.’ That’s the warmest part. Bob Keeshan

See my posts

Money and Life Lessons from The Pirates of Dark Water

They Shoot Greenbacks, Don’t They


It requires more strength to be gentle, so it’s the everyday encounters of life that I think we’ve prepared children for and prepared them to be good to other people and to consider other people. – Bob Keeshan

I would watch reruns of Mighty Mouse, Bewitched, and I Dream of Jeannie Growing Up. They all expressed some of the same ideals. You can catch more bees with honey than vinegar. So, be kind. NOBODY wants to work with a jerk. Treat people right. It comes back to you. 😉

See my post The Greatest Assets are People

I think just as importantly we prepare people for the definition of being gentle. – Bob Keeshan

When I think of that statement, I always think of Mr. T. He always treated people with decency and respect. He was well-spoken, direct, soft but firm. I have learned to do the same.

See my post Money and Life Lessons I Learned from Mr. T


Play is the work of children. It’s very serious stuff. – Bob Keeshan

If I didn’t go outside to play, I would lose my mind. It just was what I needed to do. So, my parents let me stay outside all day. After, I did my homework.

Now that I look back, I think they may have done it to get a break from me. Regardless, I learned the value of true friendship and about life on the playground.

One of my friend’s mom’s was very sick. She was so sad about that. Understandably. So, we made sure to always check on her and her mom and ALWAYS asked her to come outside and play with us. This was when she would light up. One time she hurt herself really bad on the playground.  It was on concrete. I will never forget it, she cried all the way home and we went with her. We just wanted to make sure she was okay. Because that is what friends do.


Here is a short rundown of Saturday Morning cartoons. Nostalgia. Haha

The ones in bold are some of my favorites.


The Flintstones

The Huckleberry Hound Show

The Quick Draw McGraw Show

The Yogi Bear Show

The Jetsons

Johnny Quest

The Magilla Gorilla Show

The Herculoids

Wacky Racers

The Perils of Penelope Pitstop

Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!


The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show

Josie and the Pussycats

Secret Squirrel

Help!….It’s the Hair Bear Bunch!

Wait Till Your Father Gets Home

Speed Buggy

Super Friends

The Addams Family

The Great Grape Ape Show

Dog Wonder

Tom & Jerry


Scooby’s All Star Laff-A-Lympics

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Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels

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Super Friends

Richie Rich

The Smurfs

The Snorks


Rainbow Bright

Strawberry Shortcake

My Little Ponies

Pound Puppies

The Paw-Paw Bears

Shirt Tales

Alvin and the Chipmunks

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Dennis the Menace

The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo

CBS Storybreak

The Raccoons

The Wuzzles

Skeleton Warriors

Galaxy High

Fraggle Rock

Gummi Bears

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The Berenstain Bears

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Dungeons and Dragons


Fantastic Max


Tom & Jerry Kids

The Pirates of Dark Water

Camp Candy

Biker Mice from Mars

The Real Ghostbusters

Codename Kids NextDoor

The Powerpuff Girls

The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest


Here’s a shout out to Nickelodeon, the Cartoon Network and other afternoon or weekday morning cartoons

Garfield and Friends

Power Rangers

Wild and Crazy Kids



Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics

Woody Woodpecker

Mighty Mouse



Tiny Toon Adventures

The Care Bears

Pinky and the Brain

Hey Dude

The Adventures of the Little Koala


Did I bring back any memories?

Is that list long enough for you? Did I miss any?

Let me know. And I will add it to the list.

Have you ever written a blog post about a cartoon? Let me know and I will add it to a running list right here in this post.

Hope you enjoyed.

Mega Millions win or bust

Here’s something to think about: How come you never see a headline like ‘Psychic Wins Lottery’? – Jay Leno

Are you feeling lucky? Well, do ya?

If so, well then playing the lotto might just be for you.

But like Katniss, the odds may not be ever in your favor.

It has about two weeks since the largest jackpot in Mega Millions history was won by a single ticket to the tune of $1.537 billion dollars!

All over the country it was Powerball and Mega Millions fever.

Everywhere I went people were talking about the lotto. Some people even tweeted about what they would do if they won.

I get it. You win the jackpot and your financial freedom. You’re on cloud nine.

However, you have to plan your escape from the rate race whether or not you win the lottery.

If you want to get rich, either by picking winning numbers or otherwise, you better learn quick how to manage a fortune.

Here’s why.


Are pretty slim.

According to Fortune magazine, the odds of winning the lottery are about one in 300 million. Considering that there are over 326 million Americans, that makes your odds quite small.

If you want to close this gap, you will have to increase your scope of numbers to play and play more often.

It’s not enough to do the kids birthdays or your anniversary. Going to have to get creative. You need the locker combination to your high school locker, your kids Xbox password, your great-aunt’s wedding date, and your first love’s old address. You know, something like that.

But all jokes aside, you will have to increase your range of numbers to increase your odds of winning.

In addition, you will have to play more often.

It has been well-documented that people who win the lottery once are likely to win it again.

The problem with this is that you also increase the amount of money you lose while playing the game.


Get rich or die tryin’. – 50 cent  

Did you know a high percentage of lottery winners end up broke? According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 70 percent of lottery winners go broke.

I have a theory.

If you are unable to manage balancing your check book with $1k, then it is nearly impossible to do it with $1B.

I feel like it is.

But, if you saw  Justin Timberlake in The Social Network, you know he says, “you know what is cool? A billion dollars.”

They say the first million is the hardest. Well, try wrapping your head around a billion!

Even billionaire T. Boone Pickens thinks that it is too!

That’s a whole lot more zeroes you are working with. If you don’t know what PEMDAS stands for (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally), you are in trouble.

You must first learn the rules of money, if you are to win the game. See my posts for more on how to build up your wealth knowledge bank.

Forget casinos, bet on yourself

The six ways to get rich

Money Lessons I learned from Scrooge McDuck

How Millennial Money inspire me to start saving $13,333.06 a year


“Using money you haven’t earned to buy things you don’t need to impress people you don’t like” – Robert Quillen

I have seen too many lottery winners go bankrupt. You win all that money just to go back to being broke! No, thanks.

Forget your friends and family telling you to spend. Do not inflate your lifestyle and then upgrade it even more after moving to that gated community in Beverly Hills. You do not need to outspend your neighbors.

3 Rich Habits of Millionaires

You can still drive a Honda. The kids can still get jobs. If you think that it is taking away an opportunity for someone else to work for a needed paycheck, then let junior volunteer.

That was the advice Fran gave Mr. Sheffield in The Nanny.   He wanted to teach his daughter about responsibility and the value of money. So, in S02E21 Maggie became a candy striper at a hospital.  Great advice.

Fun Fact: In the S02E08 of Gilmore Girls,  Rory gets in trouble at school. It just so happens that one of her schoolmates in that episode was none other than Mr. Sheffield’s youngest, Grace, played by actress Madeline Zima. You can see her in the blue sweater walking behind Rory in this clip.

My advice to anyone who comes into large sums of money whether by inheritance, large windfall, bonus, or lottery is to stay humble.

Read my posts for lessons on eating humble pie:

How Dave Grohl turned passion into profits

Money Lessons I learned from Aesop’s The Ants and the Grasshopper

Money and Life Lessons I learned from Mr. T

Life Lessons I learned from The Warriors

The Greatest Assets are people


You have to ask yourself after winning the lottery: How are you planning to manage all that cash?

You need a team to help you manage all that money. A circle of trust, like in Meet the Fockers.

I have a few suggestions.

  • Set up a trust to stay anonymous
  • Get a financial advisor
  • Hire an intermediary to answer requests for money on your behalf
  • Set a daily, monthly, annual spending limit
  • Hire an attorney
  • Take the lump sum
  • Create your own annuity with a spending budget
  • Hire a CPA
  • Learn how to manage money
  • Understand your tax liability


I would much prefer people spend their money wisely than to bet it on chance.

You could invest your money instead of throwing it down on the roulette table. If you are want to be a part owner of Caesar’s Palace, instead of merely placing bets at one, you can buy REIT’s or mutual funds.

Even better, you can buy index funds that includes hundreds of stocks that track a benchmark such as the S&P 500.

Every dollar you invest can possibly be turned into two or three dollars.

Source: familyfinancefavs.com

Not sure what all this is? No problem. Go down to your local library and ask for books on personal finance. You can also look up any words you are unfamiliar with online.

In addition, you can read blogs, listen to podcasts, join investing clubs, get a job in banking, take a few online finance courses, or ask friends and family for book recommendations.

Many books offer book recommendations in the appendix.

All you have to do is be willing to do some homework.

Trust me, it’s worth it.

When your one-day sitting on a beach in Hawaii, sipping cocktails and able to get up at noon just because.

Your future self will thank you.


Money and Life Lessons I learned from Mr. T

“People ask what gives me the authority to give advice? I say, First of all, I don’t give advice. Dr Phil gives advice. Mr T helps people. I motivate them, I inspire them, I give them hope, and I plant the seed so they can feel good about themselves” — Mr. T

If you grew up in the 80’s or 90’s, then you know the name Mr. T. He was former United States Army veteran and Military Policeman who turned into a bouncer and bodyguard for the rich and famous. He later became a famous television personality while starring the 80’s sitcom “The A-Team.”

He also was a public motivator and made a motivational video to help kids such as dealing with peer pressure, money management, appreciating who they are, respecting others – especially their parents -and how to deal with anger.

I am still inspired by the words and actions of Mr. T to this day because he always made me feel good about myself and that just being me more was more than good enough.

I will share with you some of the things he taught me that I have carried with me into adulthood.

First, an introduction of the man named Mr. T.


“First name: Mister; middle name: period; last name T.”  – Mr. T on an episode of the NBC series Silver Spoons (1982-1986)

What is in a name?

“People ask me what the “T” stands for in my name. If you’re a man, the “T” stands for tough. If you’re a woman or child, it stands for tender!” – Mr. T

Mr. T grew up in Chicago. He said growing up as a young man he saw that his father and other African Americans did not get a lot of respect in their communities.

Therefore, he decided to coin himself Mr. T. He said that was because the first thing you say is Mister and that word is an automatic sign of respect.

The letter T is simply the first letter of his last name.

“When I was old enough to change my name, I changed it to Mr. T so that the first word out of someone’s mouth was ‘Mister,’ a sign of respect.” — Mr. T

At the age of 18, he decided as a man he deserved to be respected as one and; therefore, self-ordained himself Mr. T from that day forward.


“I’m so tough and so bad; I can be humble and lift another guy up.” – Mr. T

“I tell people that I was born and raised in the ghetto, but the ghetto was not born and raised in me.” – Mr. T

“As a kid, I got three meals a day. Oatmeal, miss-a-meal and no meal.” – Mr. T

Long before he became known for his distinctive African Mandinka warrior hairstyle (Mohawk), his gold jewelry, his no none sense persona and his tough-guy image, Mr. T was just a young man trying to find his way.

Lawrence Tureaud “aka Mr. T” was born in Chicago, Illinois the youngest of twelve in one of the city’s housing projects with the highest poverty rate in America.

He was surrounded by gangs, violence, and the absolute worst that poverty has to offer, but he chose a different path for himself.

In poverty, neglect can be your ally because if no one is paying attention to you, then they cannot try to stop you from being great.

I have learned that it is not what you have, but what you do with what you’ve got that matters.


“Get to reading, stay in school. You don’t have to carry a gun.”  – Mr. T

In high school, Mr. T played football, wrestled, and studied martial arts.

He was a wrestling champion that was so good he won a football scholarship to Prairie View A&M University, where he majored in mathematics.

However, he did not finish college. He made his next move by enlisting in the United States Army and served in the military police.

Then he went to work…hard.

Mr. T outworked everyone in his troop. He would go on to get a letter of recommendation from his drill sergeant and was elected “Top Trainee of the Cycle” out of a cycle of six thousand troops.

I read a statistic that 70% of prison inmates are high school dropouts.

Therefore, if you want to be the best and earn the respect of your peers and others that means putting in the work and improving your skills. Stay in school, off the streets and off the drugs.

There are 24 hours in a day. If you spend eight sleeping, four going to school, four reading and exercising, and eight working, then there is no time left for sitting on your laurels and being idle.


“The reason why I wear gold – I wear gold for three reasons. One, when Jesus was born, three wise men came from the east: one brought frankincense, one brought myrrh, the other one brought gold. The second reason I wear gold is I can afford it. The third reason I wear it, it’s symbolic of my African heritage.” – Mr. T

After his military discharge, he became a bouncer.

“To be a bodyguard is to be a kamikaze pilot. Dedicated.” — Mr. T

It was during this time that he created his Mr. T persona and started wearing gold jewelry.

He parlayed his job of bouncer into a decade long career as a bodyguard.

His reputation became so well-known and highly regarded that he became a bodyguard to the stars and protected celebrities such as Steve McQueen, Michael Jackson, and Diana Ross.

“I used to bodyguard for Muhammad Ali, Leon Spinks, Sugar Ray Leonard. I used to bodyguard a lot of diamond merchants; I would travel with a suitcase full of diamonds and take them from point A to point B. My reputation grew because I was a professional. I did my job, and I was courteous – a no-nonsense guy.” – Mr. T

With the name came the pay.

He was able to charge anywhere from a $3,000 to $10,000 a day rate.

One day he decided to try out for NBC-TV under the contest of “America’s Toughest Bouncer” and he won.

It was during this time that Sylvester Stallone saw him on the show and this led to him eventually being cast in Rocky III as Clubber Lang and this is where his catchphrase “I pity the fool!” comes from.

This then led him to be cast in the television series The A Team, where he played Sergeant Bosco “B. A.” Baracus, an ex-Army commando.

And from there his career took off and things just exploded.


“Everything started as a dream. You gotta have insight, know what you want. You gotta have a plan. Like I tell anybody, if you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail. I’ve been planning ever since I was a youngster. You’ve got to start from somewhere. There’s nothing wrong or demeaning in flipping burgers. It’s more proud than selling drugs.” – Mr. T

Mr. T would go on and star or guest start in a number of notable television shows of the 1980’s such as Silver Spoons, Diff’rent Strokes, and Alvin and the Chipmunks.

The season one episode four of Silver Spoons called Me and Mr. T aired on October 16, 1982. Edward hires Mr. T. to teach Ricky how to defend himself. Hilarity ensues.

He even got an animated cartoon series called Mister T.  The Mister T cartoon starred Mr. T as himself, the owner of a gym. The gymnasts that trained there were helped by him not only with their training, but to solve mysteries and fight crime.

In my life I have scrubbed toilets, served food, been an operator, waitress, and worn holes in my clothes and shoes.

I have never been too good for anything. And neither should you.

I am no better than anyone else, but I am always just as good.


“Left ear, I wear four earrings. The four is symbolic of the four seasons, spring, winter, summer and fall, the four directions, north, east, south and west, the four gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.” – Mr. T

Figure out what you want to do and why.

You cannot just randomly do things without a plan or purpose. Don’t just drift.

Life does not work that way.

Once you know what you like turn that into a career.

Whatever you are good at try to gravitate toward that.

Whatever you spend most of you efforts on, then that is what you should be doing.

You may be passionate about cooking, drawing, or sports, but that is not enough.

You have to still be able to produce.

Therefore, you must learn to harness what you are good at and turn that into how you earn a living.


“As a Christian, you forgive, and you feed the hungry and clothe the naked, and you visit the sick and comfort the lonely. If I’m a true follower of my lord and saviour Jesus Christ, I got to do the things you’re supposed to be doing.” – Mr. T

“I try to use my experience and the fact that I grew up in the ghetto – I tell people you don’t have to rob or steal to get out of the ghetto.” – Mr. T

“If you can’t read, the only thing you can do is enjoy the pictures, not the whole story. Reading is the key to knowledge. Knowledge is the key to understanding. So read on, young man! Read on, young lady!” Mr. T

Mr. T would teach children and adults the value of an education, doing the right thing, weight training and watching your weight.

Building muscle gives confidence and takes hard work and discipline.

Discipline is a key ingredient to success.


“Stay humble and be concerned for the less fortunate.” – Mr. T

“Love is a verb… and Verbs show action” – Mr. T

“You’ll never have any trouble with Mr. T, I’m just a big, calm teddy bear kind of guy. Mr. T ain’t ashamed to cry. When I go out and I meet people who are suffering and they come and talk to me, Mr. T cries, Mr. T who could break a man’s jaw with his fist.” – Mr. T

I feel that helping others is the right thing to do.

I have seen the difference it can make in people’s lives.

Do good.

Goodness spreads, but not as fast as bad news or gossip so do good often.

Remember to be poor is not a crime.

Virtue can be seen in rags as well as fine silk.


“You pity the fool because you don’t want to beat up a fool! You know, pity is between sorry and mercy. See, if you pity him, you know, you won’t have to beat him up. So that’s why I say fools, you gotta give another chance because they don’t know no better. That’s why I pity them!” – Mr. T

I know it’s hard, but there are times to give people a second look or chance.

First impressions are important, but not the only thing.

I gravitate toward people who are hungry and hard working with good attitudes.

No one bats a thousand every time.

However, people need to show you with their actions that they are able and willing to work.

Just tell the truth. People are usually willing to help you when you’re doing the right thing.


“I’m a mama’s boy because everything I do is with respect to my mother. I won’t do a movie or a video that would bring disrespect to my mother.” — Mr. T

“Any man who doesn’t love his mama can’t be no friend of mine.” — Mr. T

“If every man loves his mother, he’s going to treat the ladies right, with love and respect.” –  Mr. T

My mother told me growing up that you attract what’s in your heart.

Respect people and that’s what you get back.

Keep your heart pure and full of love and hope.

Hope can start revolutions and change lives.

Inside I feel joyful.

I try to spread goodwill and cheer everywhere I go.

I’m generally laughing and smiling because no one likes to be around a drag unless it’s immediately followed by the word queen.


“I knew I wasn’t going to be a rocket scientist – let’s not be fools – but I wasn’t going to be a bum.”  Mr. T

“If you get knocked down – setbacks in life, like applying for a job if they don’t hire you – keep trying, keep getting up, keep doing it” Mr. T

You may not know everything, but you know something.

Be resourceful.

Leverage what you know and what you have to make a way for yourself in this world.

You have to play the hand you were dealt. And play it so well that people cannot take their eyes off of you.

The more drive, determination, and perseverance you have, the more likely good things are to come.

Remember that if 100 doors close in your face, you only need one to be open to walk through.

One opportunity can change your life.

So do not slow down, speed up your efforts with hard work and sacrifice.


“When I was growing up, my family was so poor we couldn’t afford to pay attention.” — Mr. T

“If people are cool, then they are not stressed. I pity the fool that don’t be cool.” –  Mr. T

“The most violent show on TV is the six o’clock news.” –  Mr. T

I have learned if you can control your emotions, you can control your life.

You must learn good coping skills if you want to make it in this life.

Everything is not going to be easy or handed to you.

My father told me growing up that you have to learn to accept no just as well as you accept yes.

There is no place for violence in your home or community.

You can use your mind creatively to solve problems.

You do not fight to hurt others. You fight to stop them from hurting you.

You should only fight when there is no other choice and all other avenues have been explored and options exhausted.

You fight to defend yourself, your family, and your community. That’s about it.


“I wanted to win to feed the hungry people of my community. I didn’t want to win to buy a diamond.. I didn’t have no diamonds then. I didn’t want to win to buy a car, I didn’t want to win to bring a couple of chicks downtown to a hotel. I wanted to win to feed the poor people of the community.”– Mr. T

I know about peer pressure and all that, but I say, “Hey, they called me a sissy because I wouldn’t join a gang. Who was calling me a sissy? Does it make me a sissy because somebody called me a sissy?” […] I’m going to fight if you touch me or hurt me or do harm to my family. But if you call me a bad name, or whatnot, I’m too smart for that. That’s the message the kids need to hear coming from me. I tell them, “If I fought every time somebody called me a name, I would never get out of jail. But I’m disciplined. I’m smarter than that.” So I tell them, like my mother said, “Consider the source.” When you see who called you the name, then you understand why they’re doing it. Then you don’t have to stoop that low. – Mr. T

You do not need to impress anyone.

No one should call the shots in your life except you.

You should not respond negatively to fear, guilt, shame, or tears.

You figure out a way to deal with your problems. Period.

Where there is a will, there is a way.


“I’m not a star. I don’t feel I’m so great. So how can I make you feel great just because you’ve got my signature on a piece of paper?” – Mr. T

“My celebrity status allows me an opportunity, allows me a pulpit to preach and reach out to the people. Not even always preaching but just leading, motivating them by being a leader.” – Mr. T

I have always made sure to be clean in body, home, and clothing.

You may not be able to afford fine wine, clothes, and jewelry, but if you have a will to work you are already worth your weight in gold.

Do not let anybody talk down to you or tell you that you are not good enough because you are.

You have to believe in yourself.

I believe in you.

And if you are reading this, then I know you do too.


“Whatever role I play is a positive role; it’s a strong role. Never negative.” – Mr. T

Positivity attracts things.

It attracts people, money, and things.

Therefore, if those are the things you want, then be positive.


“We were poor, but we smiled.”  – Mr. T

You may not have much, but you have something so be grateful.

Those who can keep a smile on their face and joy in their heart are never sad or bitter.

They love their enemies and pray for those who spite them.

They say it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.

Do not waste energy frowning.

You need every muscle to be able to work and earn a living and help others.

So keep smiling.


“This guy Clubber Lang, I’ve been him all my life. He’s mean and hungry just like me.” – Mr. T

If you want something bad enough, you will find a way. Legally, morally, and ethically to get it.

I’m hungry. And I’m thirsty.

Knowledge feeds me, but it doesn’t quench my thirst. Therefore, I strive to find ways to help people.

They say reading feeds the soul. So, I read every day and help others increase their knowledge so they can be fed too because no one likes to eat alone.


“I have the Midas touch, in the way that when I hook up with a project, I feel, not speaking cocky or conceited, but there’s a confidence I have. I learned that from Muhammad Ali; I used to bodyguard him. He taught me about confidence. So when it comes to any job I work, I’m gonna do it good; I’m going to bring it over the top.” –  Mr. T

“I didn’t come to Hollywood. Hollywood came to me. A lot of people wish they could say the things I say. Everyone out here is so phony, it’s sickening.” –  Mr. T

I have learned to hold your head up high, sit and stand up straight and look people in the eye.

Keep your standards high.

Give a firm handshake and stand your ground.

Even dogs can sense fear.

I have learned the two best ways of boosting confidence are getting a good education and hard work.


“I take a lot of pride in the work I do, because people pay to see me. They’ve got to get babysitters, park their car, get popcorn and candy. I’ve got to be conscious of that.” – Mr. T

I learned that a job worth doing is worth doing well.

It can’t be all about me.

I have to be mindful of others and respect their time, energy, and efforts as if it were my own.


“I’m pretty clean, hygienic and all that, but sometimes when I come home, I throw my coat over there, take one shoe off here, one shoe off there, but I’m not dirty.” –  Mr. T

I have learned a cluttered home can lead to a cluttered mind.

Everything should have its place.

Cleanliness is the closest you can get to perfection.

Take care of yourself from head to toe.

You are just a shower and a shave away from an opportunity. Never forget that.


“T stands for being nice. T stands for manners. T stands for being polite.” –  Mr. T

People like nice people.

Do not be a mean-spirited person.

Nice people tend to attract good things.

Money is also on that list.

Fortunes have been made just for being nice.

So do good.

“When you give, it comes back to you.” – Mr. T

“I tell everybody, I get so much because I give so much. I give freely, I give all my time, give all my money, give all of my soul. I try to motivate people. I try to inspire them.” – Mr. T

Case in point, Mr. T was at one time commanding an estimated $80,000 a week for his role on the A-Team and $15,000 for appearances. He even got to meet the president. All this from being nice.

There’s some food for thought. Just something to chew on.


“I don’t worry. I don’t doubt. I’m daring. I’m a rebel.” –  Mr. T

“Anger – use it, but don’t lose it!” — Mr. T

“I’m a free spirit” – Mr. T

My parents used to call me a rebel.

I was okay with that because fortunes usually favor the bold.

I think of myself as a free spirit.

I’m a free range pony. I can’t be held down. I’m too busy lifting people up.

What I am upset and bothered about is that there are so many people that do not know about finances.

However, I use my anger to creatively think of solutions.

I guess some could say I am a Rebel without a cause, but guess what? I have a cause.

My cause is to give a voice to those without one, to help the sick, poor, and elderly and promote positivity and change for the betterment of mankind, but that’s just me.


“You’re going through college, and you’re going to be faced with a lot of things. You’re going to face adversity, the main thing is don’t quit. For many people it’s easy to quit, but don’t. That’s what separates the winners from the losers, what separates the all-stars from the also-rans.” — Mr. T

“I want to represent… to the kids to draw strength from me. So they can see that everybody goes through something, but you can rise up and do your best. Just try.” – Mr. T

“Really, you don’t lose until you stop trying.” –  Mr. T

“I pity the fool who just gives up.” –  Mr. T

In life, things are going to happen.

You get up, dust yourself off and keep going.

No one is going to coddle you in the real world.

You can’t win unless you play the game through to the end.

Be a winner not a quitter.

Don’t complain. Do something.


“We all gonna die eventually from something or other, but don’t be a wimp. Put up a good fight.”Mr. T

Whatever it is your going through know that you are not alone.

There are many others that may have problems that are bigger than yours.

If you’re going to go down, you might as well go down fighting.

If I have to fight, I’m going down kicking and screaming.

I can’t just give up. It ain’t in me.

And don’t let anything get you down. Get up.


“All I ever wanted to do with my life was own a little house. I did that way back with ‘Rocky,’ so now everything I do is just icing on the cake.” – Mr. T

You just have to have a goal and write it down.

Memorize it and visualize it. Work hard for it.

Sometimes dreams do come true. If you are willing to just try.


“Calvin Klein and Gloria Vanderbilt don’t wear clothes with your name on it, so why should you wear their name?” — Mr. T

“I don’t mean to be cocky, but if I’m never on TV again, if I never make another dollar, I am proud. I did what I wanted to do.” –  Mr. T

“You might not have the things you want, but if you check carefully, you got all you need.” – Mr. T

Who cares if you can’t afford a fancy car, home, or clothes?

Just get out there and work.

Put in the time. Put your head down and work.

The only people that get anything are the ones that show up.

I don’t care much for labels. I only care about quality.

I wanted to know how long I could walk in a pair of shoes until holes started to show up.

I’m not putting those fancy designers’ kids through private school or paying for their summer home.

If you want my hard earned money, then you better have a quality product.

I value and respect money and time too much to just throw it away.


“Where’s the meat? This sandwich is full of weeds! I ain’t eatin’ nothing I don’t understand!” – Mr. T

Same rules apply with money.

You should not put your money, time, energy, effort, or invest in anything you do not understand.

Do your research.

Your body is also your temple. Stay away from drugs. You do not know what is in them.

My father told me growing up that drugs only lead to two things: death and destruction.

Put your hard earned money to work for you and you will one day not have to work so hard for it.

I have a dollar and a dream to make myself some cream. How am I going to do it? By investing.

I prefer low cost index funds. If you are unsure which ones, then go for the ones with the lowest fees.


“I made a little money. And like the Bible says, I was enjoying the fruits of my labor. This is my comeback. This is me doing what I love to do.” – Mr. T

“I believe in the Golden Rule – The Man with the Gold… Rules.” –  Mr. T

“We didn’t starve. We spent wisely. Like I tell people in the ghetto, “If you can buy guns and bullets, why can’t you buy food? You can buy heroin and crack cocaine, so why can’t you buy bread and butter and milk? Why can’t you pay your rent?” There’s a lot of people in the ghetto who go out and get a fancy car and all that. The car costs more than their house. Meanwhile, your kids need shoes. That’s not cool.” – Mr. T

I know money is important.

What I also want you to know is that it does not come before people.

What you have is not more important than who you are and if there are people around you that cannot see that, then get away from them.

People will try to talk you out of things, but if it is your dream then don’t let them.

If you have a dream, then don’t let anyone take it away.

Put your money where your values are.

Your credit card and bank statements will show where they are.

If you don’t like them, then change  them.

You cut your expenses to the bone if that is what it takes to put food on the table and a roof over your head.

Forget a nice set of wheels if it means you cannot take care of your families and responsibilities.

I have heard of dealerships offering a seven year car payment! Forget that. That is longer than college!

Check out my posts on cars (the biggest money suckers on the planet)

Who or what motivates and inspires you? Please comment and share here.

I want you to focus on earning.

Once you earn, then you can save and invest.

Stay away from debt and credit cards.

Credit card debt is for the impatient.

Wealth and abundance come to those that are patient. See my post

What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal of financial freedom and independence?