Tag Archives: budgeting

3 Money Lessons from Til Debt Do Us Part

“Money isn’t rocket science.” – Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Til Debt Do Us Part is a Canadian television series that follows couples that are going through financial crisis and financial expert, Gail Vaz-Oxlade, comes in to help the couple find solutions.

The series ran for over 100 episodes from 2005-2011. It also had a spin-off called Princess.   She teaches couples to go from red to black and gain control over their money.

The show would air right after the Suze Orman show during its run on CNBC. Read my post Dom Perignon Taste on a Budweiser Budget to see how it all went down on Suze’s show.


Money is the number #1 reason couples break up. She visits couples weekly and gives them challenges to help with their finances. Then at the end of each episode, after about 4 weeks, she awards the couple with up to $5,000 dollars to help them get out of debt.


By far the best part of the show, in my opinion, is when at the end of one month, Gail Vaz-Oxlade gives the couple a cheque for an amount up to $5,000, depending on their attitudes and how well they did during the challenges. Keep in mind, couples could get less and some have. One of the lowest amounts I have seen her give was $3,000, which is a 40% reduction of the prize money.

The show was so popular that a 52-Week Life Planner was released based on the television series and offers day-by-day, step-by-step strategies and tips for successfully managing household finances.

This reminds me of a Tom Holland interview he did for Spiderman talking about how Anthony Mackie always says, “cut the check.”

Let’s get back to Gail.

If you have never heard of the show Til Debt or can’t remember it, no worries, I will take you back down memory lane tonight.


“We feel good when our homes are bright and shiny, put a little elbow grease into your money and it’ll glisten too.” – Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Gail Vaz-Oxlade is a financial writer and was a columnist for numerous publications as a freelancer including Yahoo! Canada Finance.  She has helped people from high finance to low-income solve their money problems. Eventually, she became a television personality due to all of her work in finance and that is how the show Til Debt came into existence with her as the host.

She has written numerous books on the topic of finance. I have actually read one of her books called Debt-Free Forever.

Gail has a no-nonsense attitude when it comes to money. And that is what makes her so good at what she does.


“You can have everything you want. All you need is a plan. And how do we spell plan? B-U-D-G-E-T!” – Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Watching the show was very interesting. One recurring theme was the jars. Gail advocated for couples to live on cash.

Every single episode, you got cash jars. You would put in a certain dollar amount. When you spend, you write it down in the budget binder cause cash slips through our fingers easier than that snail did with Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

Some couples were taking out cash at the ATM from their bank accounts or doing cash advances, which Gail said she could not track so we don’t know where the money went. When it’s gone, it’s gone. Without writing it down or keeping receipts, there is no other way to track cash. So, jars it is.


Gai loves cash and hates banks. She thinks they are bleeding people dry slowly with their interest and fees. Gail says banks are wolves in sheep’s clothing. The only way this will change is to teach financial literacy in school. I say start in elementary when they are old enough to start asking for a $1 lollipop, it’s time to start the finance lessons.

Check out my posts on banking.

Banking at Credit Unions versus Banks – The Great Debate

New Banking Rules: Clear a check payment in a day

Q&A with Lisa Servon:, Author of the Unbanking of America

This is the secret recipe to building wealth: You need to make more money and you need to spend less money.

Here are 3 lessons that Gail taught me: (1) both partners need to manage the money, (2) no retail therapy, and (3) debt repayment takes time.


  1. Do not have only one partner manage the finances.

“It’s not unusual for one person to assume the nitty-gritty of daily finances…. The problem is that when one person is excluded, or totally abdicates responsibility, it means the other can mess things up with no monitoring or grow resentful at always having to do the detail…. Taking turns managing the chequebook, and having regular conversations so that both of you are clear about what’s going on, means you’re both in the know and working to the same ends. It also means that one person doesn’t have to deal with all the crap, while the other merrily laughs off the stress and frustration with, ‘You’re managing the money, so this is your problem to deal with.’ (Yes, there are dopes who say this.)”

Always know what is happening with your money. I don’t care who signs the check and put it in the envelope. Just make sure you lick the stamp. Be involved. Ask questions. Don’t be in the dark.

It’s kind of like that scene in Charmed in the episode Be Careful What You Witch For. Remember that scene in the beginning, after the opening credits. I want you to be skeptical like Phoebe. Always know who you owe and how much. Nothing is for free.

The conversation went like this:

PhoebeI don’t get it you’ve been stuck in that bottle for two hundred years then someone finally sends you to us and you’ve no idea who licked the stamp? I find that very hard to believe.

Genie:What? I don’t get it you win the lotto and you’re asking for explanations?

Piper:Actually we’d like to know who to send the thank you note to.

Same conversation you should have with your partner, but about which creditor.  And winning the lotto, yeah right? Read my posts Forget casinos, bet on yourself and Mega Millions win or bust.


  1. Forget retail therapy

“Plastic is anesthetic — it dulls the pain, and then what happens is you just keep waiting for the next fake high.”

And don’t I know it. I had a huge shopping problem for years. It was done as a way to dull the pain of the things going on around me – low-income, working full-time, going to college – I was a mess!

I had some pretty terrible managers when I was younger too. All the stress was getting to me. I had to find a way to cope, but shopping was not it. As I got more mature, I found ways to de-stress that were cheaper or free.

I have said it before that credit is seductive and addictive. It should not be used to replace your emergency fund (liquid cash). However, if you do, be strategic and use credit wisely and sparingly.

How to get access to a $250,000 Emergency fund with $0 of your own cash

How Benjamin Franklin used 13 virtues to get rich 


“A goal without a deadline is just a dream.” – Gail Vaz-Oxlade

  1. Slow and steady is the way to repay debt.

“One step at a time. You are on your way. Expect challenges. Keep your goal where you can see it.”

You better believe it. If it took you 8 years to accumulate the debt, thinking you can pay it off in 3 months is delusional. See my post Getting out of debt one step at a time.

The good news is that once you recognize you have a problem with debt, then you can work on solutions. I have noticed that generally 2-3 years of cutting back and attacking debt is usually enough time to pay off most if not all of your consumer debt except the mortgage and student loans. After 5-7 years, the only debt left is usually the mortgage. That is a small price to pay for freedom.


I did a search online and found this synopsis of the show’s premise at IMDB.com. It’s spot on.


Money can’t buy you love. But keeping love alive without money can be pretty tough. In fact, ninety percent of marriage breakups are due to money problems. And to get advice on how to manage money usually costs money! Til Debt Do Us Part, is a series that offers tough-love solutions to those willing to face their financial troubles head on. In each episode we meet a couple in crisis. Some are on the verge of bankruptcy, hounded by creditors or facing eviction. Others are just getting by, but in the midst of a personal meltdown or relationship breakdown because of money issues. With the sensitivity of a therapist and the toughness of a CFO, our host, renowned financial author and columnist, Gail Vaz-Oxlade reveals what she’s found in a couple’s finances – and then she’ll dig a little deeper. She asks some tough questions and then they’ll be forced to face reality. Where will it end if they continue on this rocky road? To get things back on track, Gail takes control of their finances …

This show was very eye-opening in how people managed their finances. Many did not have a clue what was coming in and going out. Gail would come in with her screen shots of the couples bank accounts and spending and give it to them straight.

Many times the wives would burst out in tears after seeing how much debt the family was actually in. Lots of couples were in over their heads. Some so deep in debt they had to consider selling their house, or worse, bankruptcy!

Some couples did not want to make any changes. Even though they were debt up to their eyeballs. These people needed to get their priorities straight. Much like Hermione, in Harry Potter.

Here is the show’s Intro and theme song along with a promo. This is just a taste, a light sampling, of what you are in store for with this show.

There are 2 episodes that stand out for me. They were called The Worst Family Ever and Love Affair with Luxury.


In the S03E13 entitled, “The worst family ever?” One couple were living in the wife’s family basement for about a couple of years. They spent with reckless abandon. Oh, the couple popped bottles night and day. Especially, after moving out and buying their own home for about $225,000. That’s not bad. What is bad is that they saved zero dollars while sponging off her parents.

That’s right. While mooching off the rents’ they saved $0. Not one dime. Even Scrooge McDuck saved his number one dime. See my post Money Lessons I Learned from Scrooge McDuck. Also, check out Why the Rents’ shouldn’t pay your rent.

Then, to make matters worse, they threw non-stop parties at their house for friends and family. This was obviously all to make themselves look good to friends and family. In Yoda speak, so concerned with appearances they are.

“Happy people don’t worry about what other people think about them.” – Gail Vaz-Oxlade


In addition, they expanded their family and had a son, but financially were unprepared for this. At one point, the wife was spending $1200 a month outfitting junior! I couldn’t believe it. What is she buying Versace onesies? Get real. A baby doesn’t care. They just want to be warm, feed, and dry.

This couple were overspending by the tune of $4,100 a month! Holy spending gone bonkers, Batman!

Fun Fact: For those of you unfamiliar with that Batman line, here is where it comes from. The Batman television series from the 1960’s. Batman was American live action television series, based on the DC comic book. It starred Adam West as the titular character and hero Batman and Burt Ward as his sidekick Robin.

It was also turned into a cartoon series. Here is Robin at his finest with his sayings. Hilarious!

I decided to post it so you won’t ever have to get the tongue lashing that Penny got from Sheldon on an episode of The Big Bang Theory about Batman at 2:48 into the video.

The Precious Fragmentation – Season 3, Episode 17
Aired March 8, 2010. One of my favorite episodes.

It was about The Lord of the Rings. Even Raj used a Holy Robin saying in there!

In this next video, Sheldon gives a fun fact to Raj. Now, you know where I get it from.

Now, back to the story.

The way the couple on the show  were able to overspend like that, drumroll please…the credit cards!

When Gail comes along they are so bad she tells them they have to sell the house. They flat out said they could not sell the house. Even though they are on the path to $1.3 million in debt and possible bankruptcy! Gail, at one point in the show, tells them they are the worst couple she has had on the show and that she had a few sleepless nights worrying about how to help them out of this situation. Coming from Gail, that’s scary.

The way it went down, it reminded me of that scene in The Chipmunk Adventure, when Jeanette and Eleanor was telling the Arabian prince that Brittany spends money like a drunken sailor and Brittany got mad. Hilarious. I just so happened to find the footage of that particular scene and the movie on YouTube. Hope you have fun watching! No need to thank me.  Like Dean Winchester says, “You’re Welcome.”


“Change brings challenges, learning, and a sense of New. Change is full of promise.”- Gail Vaz-Oxlade

In the S04E03 entitled, “Love Affair with Luxury,” which aired March 6, 2008, is the gold standard of delusions of grandeur when it comes to money management. The wife, Simone, is a champion shopper and a spendthrift who manages to make 53 shopping trips in a single month! That’s nuts. Even though she’s on maternity leave, a luxury car is next on her shopping list.

The only reason the couple is able to afford such luxuries is because they have each other’s incomes. The minute one person’s income is gone or reduced, i.e. disability or divorce, the whole house of cards comes tumbling down faster than the stock market has in the last 30 days.

Check out this post by BudgetsareSexy to see just how far down the stock market has gone in his The Red Wedding of Net Worth Reports.


I found the plot summary for the episode Love Affair with Luxury online at IMDB.com.

Frank and Simone’s combined $110,000 annual income is currently curbed by Simone being on maternity leave. Simone is addicted to what she believes she needs to keep up appearances in every respect, which includes working out at the gym, and spending money on “stuff” for herself, such as clothes, getting beauty treatments of various kinds, and having a beautifully appointed house. A $125,000 new car is next on the list. Simone, however, states that she would never do anything that would place her family at risk. But Frank doesn’t realize he is just as guilty, spending money on his electronics, which includes six large television sets in their house of four people, including one infant. This spending has resulted in $55,000 in consumer debt so far. They constantly fight about money, something having to give if their marriage can overcome this issue. As such, Gail issues them challenges largely focusing on dealing with their root problem, namely their addiction to luxury, this focus which not only entails them doing the challenges, but understanding why she has issued these challenges.

At one point in the show she says, “we can finance $100,000 can’t we.” For a car no less! If you have ever read this blog, you know I can’t stand cars for the simple reason that they can keep you in debt forever. You could spend a couple hundred grand on cars in a lifetime. You know how much interest you could earn on $200,000! Here are just a few on my posts on my beef with car loans below.

If you want to be wealthy, drive a Ford 

Why not to own a $50,000 car on a $25,000 salary 

Life is good without a car payment 

A car and nothing more

Outrageous Loan Terms for Porsche that even the Rich can’t justify 


Money is a tool we use in the present to create the reality we want in the future. Learning about finance is a good start. Practicing good money habits and teaching your kids to understand the concepts of money – budgeting, saving, and spending – you help create their reality.

So, I want to always stay in control of your…I will now end this post in the last words of the Til Debt Do Us Part theme song, money, money, money, money, money, money, moneyyyy!

Generosity can go a long way

“Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege.” John D. Rockefeller

“I believe that it is my duty to make money and use it for the benefit of my neighbors. This is what my conscience tells me.” John D. Rockefeller

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” Charles Dickens

Every now and then I read stories that just lifts my heart. Recently there have been articles of heroes saving lives and people donating to charitable causes close to their heart. It reminded me of a story I heard about many years ago, but is still very inspiring today.

This article was reported on the front page of the New York Times in 1995:

All She Has, $150,000, Is Going to a University

She may be gone, but her act of charity is remembered. This tweet is from 2017. Ms. McCarty passed away in 1999. Therefore, the good you do is still remembered long after you are gone.

Her name was Oseola McCarty. And here is her story.


Oseola McCarty was born on March 7, 1908 in Mississippi. As a young child, she had to quit school in order to tend to a sick family member. Quitting school in the sixth grade, she went straight to work as a laundress like her grandmother before her. She would go on to do this for about 75 years. Leaving school was one of her biggest regrets. She wanted to go back, but all the kids in her class had moved on ahead and so she didn’t go back because she wanted to be with her class. She decided to just keep working.

HOW SHE SAVED $150,000

She was never idle. She was working since she was a young child until she retired in 1994. She worked for many years and just put almost every dollar she made into the bank. She learned to save from her mother and kept the habit for life.

The following is what she did over 70 years:

  • She took one short vacation to Niagara Falls
  • She did not travel
  • She did not fly on planes
  • She did not stay in hotels
  • She never owned a car (she walked everywhere)
  • All her immediate family passed away and she never married or had children
  • She had lived alone since 1967
  • She lived in a family home her uncle gave her in 1947 for the rest of her life
  • Money she received from the passing of her mother and aunt went into savings
  • She spent almost nothing and lived very frugally
  • Repaired instead of replaced items for brand new ones
  • Covered her old bible in Scotch tape to keep Corinthians from falling out
  • Cut wholes in her shoes if they did not fit
  • Bought her first air-conditioner in 1992 and only uses it when company comes over
  • Owns one tiny black and white television (that only gets one channel) but she rarely watches
  • She did not retire until she was around 85 years old
  • Keeps her utility bills low
  • Never subscribed to a newspaper because it cost too much (an extravagance)
  • She would pay her bills and deposit the rest of her money (even coins) into savings
  • Over time this grew into $280,000

How she donated her life savings

One day she decided she would gift her money to a local university. Not as a bequest, but immediately as she wanted to be alive to see a recipient graduate from college as he one wish. In July 1995, she would go on to start a scholarship fund to help finance college tuition for students, preferably of African-American descent, who would be unable to attend college due to financial hardship. at the University of Mississippi. When asked why she chose that school, she simply said, because it was close.

A banker at one of her financial institutions assisted her. In 1995, he wanted to help an 87-year-old Ms. McCarty, but was unsure how to assist a woman with a fifth-grade education through estate planning. He came up with the novel idea of giving her 10 dimes, each representing 10 percent of her assets. He gave her five slips of paper to write down the names of the beneficiaries and divide up the coins. She deposited one dime to her church, one for each of her cousins and the last six for a scholarship fund, after setting aside enough money to live on.

She signed an irrevocable living trust and the bank managed her funds while she received a regular check for her living expenses.


She decided to give because she knew the importance of education. She had struggled all her life doing manual labor (scrubbing laundry by hand on a scrub board). She did not want that for the younger generation coming up so she gifted them money to help them not have to do what she did and get a degree she was never able to get herself.


The news hit the media and overnight she went from obscurity to a celebrity. She wanted no monuments or other recognition’s of her selflessness, but they came to her.

Once word spread of what she had done, it spread far and fast. Accolades and recognition for her act of charity in anticipation of her death was almost immediate. Goodness and kindness tend to spread. There was a chain reaction to her charitable action that had people wanting to reciprocate what she had done by also donating. This is what happened over four years:

  • She was honored by the United Nations
  • She received more than 300 awards
  • Contributions poured in from other donations adding almost $330,000 to her gift
  • Ted Turner donated a billion dollars to charity after hearing her act of philanthropy
  • She received the Presidential Citizen’s Medal, the nation’s second-highest civilian award
  • She received an honorary doctorate from Harvard University
  • She carried the Olympic torch through part of Mississippi in 1996
  • In December 1996, hers was the hand on the switch that dropped the ball in Times Square in New York’s New Year’s Eve celebration (also the first time she stayed up past midnight, rode an airplane, and stayed in a hotel)
  • McCarty received the Award for Greatest Public Service Benefiting the Disadvantaged, an award given out annually by Jefferson Awards
  • She was awarded an honorary degree from USM, the first such degree awarded by the university in 1998
  • McCarty was also recognized with an Essence Award and Patti LaBelle sang tribute to her during the ceremony at Madison Square Garden in New York.
  • She even met President Clinton
  • She became an author; she wrote a book called Simple Wisdom for Rich Living, published in 1996

Ms. McCarty gave out pearls of wisdom, if people wanted to listen, but mostly it was common decency and sense she had said. She also said you should know the difference between a need and a want. Just because something is free does not mean you need it. It is okay to turn down something that is free, if you really do not need it. ”There’s a lot of talk about self-esteem these days,” she once said. ”It seems pretty basic to me. If you want to feel proud of yourself, you’ve got to do things you can be proud of. Feelings follow actions.”

It was reported that her home will be turned into a museum.

When asked what she wanted to do with her money right before she donated it, Ms. McCarty replied: “I want to help some child go to college.”

And just in case you were wondering, the recipient of the very first Oseola McCarty award not only met Ms. McCarty in person to say thank you, but she also went to the University of Mississippi and graduated.  Ms. Oseola McCarty also lived long enough to get her wish: to live to see a recipient graduate.

How to get access to a $250,000 emergency fund with $0 of your own cash

You read that number right. That’s access to a quarter of a million in emergency funding. Here’s how.

An emergency fund is just money that is sitting around until something happens. It’s a just in case fund.

However, you can have funds outside of your own by using other people’s money (OPM). Then your own funds are not under lock and key.

Instead your money can be used to pay off debt (i.e., mortgage, credit cards, student loans, auto loans). Or better yet, your money can be invested to earn compound interest over time.

If you invest $368 a month at an 8% rate of return, over a 35-year career this could net you $1 million for retirement.

You can use a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) and credit cards as your emergency fund.

I am not saying not to have cash ever or that this will entirely replace cash. A HELOC and credit cards are just added options on top of your cash.

Credit cards are self-explanatory. They are revolving accounts where you pay back what you owe, but as long as you have available credit then you can still keep spending. HELOC’s are another story.

How a HELOC works is similar, but with higher limits. Say you have a $400,000 home with a balance of $150,000 on your first mortgage and your lender is allowing you to access up to 95% of your home’s equity: $400,000 x 95% = $380,000. $380,000 – $150,000 = $230,000, your maximum line of credit limit.

What makes a HELOC different is that it allows you to borrow against your home equity, where your credit limit is based on how much equity you have in your home.

The HELOC is also not considered by the FICO score, this is in stark contrast from a credit card. The credit bureaus do consider how much you owe versus what’s available on your credit cards in factoring your credit score.

Basically, the biggest differences between a credit card and a HELOC is the underwriting standards, collateral, refinancing options, interest rates and tax deductions.

With a HELOC, you must document your income and employment. However, with a credit card, you need only provide the information.

In addition, a credit card is different because it is unsecured. Whereas, with a home, your HELOC is secured by your home equity and if you do not repay it, then your home can be foreclosed.

You can also refinance higher rate debt with the HELOC better than you could a credit card because the interest rates are lower on the HELOC because it is secured with your property. Meaning you are highly motivated to repay this debt back.

Lastly, the interest you pay on a credit card is gone with the wind. HELOC’s allow you to deduct the amount of interest you pay on your taxes. Therefore, if you pay 4.49% in interest that is tax-deductible versus 15.99% or more on a credit card that isn’t deductible, you see why a HELOC is so attractive.

Why not have access to these funds? Then, if your car breaks down, you chip a tooth, and your furnace goes out all in the same week, your covered. Oh, it can happen.

You can also have various funds that can make up your emergency money that you can pool together. For instance, a combination of $5,000 cash, $65,000 HELOC, and $30,000 credit card limits still equal $100,000 in access to funds in case of an emergency.

Funds Access Credit Limit Borrowed Funds Access Interest Rate
HELOC $230,000.00  $           –   Instant 4.49%
Credit Card $20,000.00  $           –   Instant 6.99%
Total $250,000.00  $           –  

Bottom-line: You can have access to hundreds of thousands of dollars without using a drop if your own money. You just have to have the means, discipline, good credit score, and high enough credit limits to have this as a plan to access credit for use in emergencies.

Money Lessons I learned from Scrooge McDuck

“No man is poor who can do what he likes to do once in a while.” -“Uncle” Scrooge McDuck

I am a huge Disney fan and one of my favorite characters is Scrooge McDuck. He was a Scottish Pekin duck that lived in a huge mansion in a city named Duckburg and had a money bin the size of a skyscraper. For those of you not familiar with this cartoon character I will give some background information.

Scrooge McDuck was created in the 1940’s by Carl Barks for the Walt Disney Company. He was modeled after Ebenezer Scrooge, the main character in Charles Dickens’ 1843 classic, “A Christmas Carol.” Like Ebenezer, McDuck is a tightwad and whose miserly behavior made him a fortune through frugality and hard work. In addition, he has strong similarities to the wealthy American industrialist Andrew Carnegie, who was also a Scottish immigrant, that made his fortune through work and ingenuity. Scrooge also shows similar traits of John D. Rockefeller.

Rockefeller was at one point the world’s richest man and first ever American billionaire. Considering he was a billionaire in the early 1900’s he is still considered as the richest person in modern history. When a reporter asked him, “How much money is enough?” He responded, “Just a little bit more.”

Scrooge’s penny-pinching ways are a constant theme throughout his life, but his belief in thrift, square business dealings through honesty and ingenuity are the reasons for his success. He is often criticized for being tight-fisted and cheap, but admired for his values and work ethic. Even though he is immensely wealthy, he does not shy away from an opportunity, no matter how arduous, to earn more. He often laments that the young want to start in at the top instead of working up from the bottom like he did. The lessons Scrooge teaches his nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie in the series are always to be smart, have morals, values, good work ethic and to play totally aboveboard meaning fair and square. A short biography is provided below.


Name: Scrooge McDuck

Birth year: 1867

Nationality: Scottish

Gender: Male

Nickname: Uncle Scrooge

Occupation: Entrepreneur and Business Magnate “Adventure Capitalist”

Education: Informal (school of hard knocks)

Known for: Swimming in his money bin

Amount of wealth: unknown but estimated in the billions

Hobbies: Treasure hunter and adventurer

Relatives: Donald Duck (nephew) Huey, Dewey, and Louie (grandnephews)

Life Lessons from Uncle Scrooge 

Humble beginnings. Scrooge truly started from the bottom. He was not born into wealth and started without a dime. He was born to poor farmers and started working as a young boy to earn money. A true Dickensian existence he lived, as he and his family were poor.  Regardless, no matter how poor you are, you still have worth. Therefore, know your worth and do not accept anything less. Remember this: “I believe that virtue shows quite as well in rags and patches as she does in purple and fine linen. – Charles Dickens. His first job was as a shoeshine boy in Scotland.  This is where he earned his first dime, which he never spent, but would save as a reminder of the importance of hard work. This is the start of his thriftiness and the secret of his wealth.

Scrooge also worked as a cabin boy on a ship to America. He left Glasgow, Scotland as he decided he would be able to make his fortune in America and was inspired to do so after earning his first dime, which was an American coin. He learned from a young age that life is full of tough jobs, but he wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. He prospected for gold in the Klondike and that is how he made his first million. His past is not so rosy as not all of his business dealings are done legally, but he learns from these experiences and changes his ways to only doing business fairly.

Education. School of hard knocks. McDuck had no formal education because he went to work at an early age, but became a self-taught and lifelong learner by reading.  His extensive travels and business dealings to seek out opportunities allowed him to learn numerous languages where he is able to cut out the middleman as he states he has outsmarted the smarties. There is no one job or niche that secured his wealth. He would go on to diversify his mining money into as many opportunities and investments that he could use to grow his money.

He teaches his nephews the principles of economics, including the history of money, and inflation. Scrooge always does his due diligence and researches any investment before investing because knowledge, discipline, and understanding are the foundation to building a profitable wealth portfolio. Note this witty adage: Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway. – Warren Buffett

Invest in yourself. Scrooge knew that investing in a good education pays the best dividends. He became an avid reader and linguist. This allowed him to do business with people all over the world. Thus, increasing his fortune as there is plenty of money to be made internationally. Scrooge would often say that “knowledge is power.” Due to his research in looking for investment opportunities he built a huge personal library.  The secret of wealth is not complicated, but it does require you learn how money works by becoming financially literate. Therefore, your home should look like a Barnes & Noble if you want to build and keep a fortune.

Work ethic. Scrooge believes in hard work and not being a spendthrift are the first steps toward success, he understands that real success comes in working smarter and not harder. Generating multiple streams of passive income, such as ownership of a business or other enterprises are the keys to building lasting wealth. Staying away from get rich quick schemes and knowing that time is your ally not your enemy.

Investments. Scrooge McDuck was shrewd and close-fisted when it came to spending money, but was big on saving. He preferred to have his money work as hard for him as he worked for it through investing in a diversified portfolio of holdings such as art, gold, diamonds, farms, newspapers, rubber, real estate, and other assets. Buy assets that go up in value. Cars and clothes do not. However, rare coins, stamps, books, and art do. He believes in “trickle back economics” in where he gets a piece of the profit from every investment he makes such as from customers buying products from a company he invests in or owns.  He limits and cut costs to the bone and only spent when ready or necessary and always would seek to gain a profit.

Inflation. Scrooge teaches his nephews about inflation in the animated short entitled Scrooge McDuck and Money (1967). Basically, as the price of good and services rise the value of currency falls. Meaning that the money in the bank today will be worth less tomorrow. He wanted to teach his nephews that without something solid and secure behind the money, then you get inflation where money becomes worth less and less. A dollar would not be worth the paper it’s printed on. He says “it’s what you can buy with what you have got that counts.”

From worker to owner. Scrooge was bright and not afraid of hard work. He listened to the sound advice of his father and decided he would work smarter not harder. It took him mere months to save enough money to go to overseas to America instead of years through his ingenuity. Businessman was his goal through ownership of numerous commodities. Put money to work for you. Money does not sleep.  He even owed the very banks that housed his money! The money is in ownership. He had a simple business motto: Keep it simple so he could run the business himself.

Find your passion. Scrooge always did what he enjoyed which was earning a living and gaining vast sums of money through investing and treasure seeking. Passion means you go the extra mile and continue working even after the clock strikes five. You don’t need vacations or breaks when you’re having fun and doing what you love. When it starts being more work than fun, it’s time do something else.

Treasure hunter. Scrooge likes a challenge. When he learned about the value of artifacts he started to seek out treasures from all over the globe. He works well under pressure and in tight situations that arise from these excursions as he knows pressure makes diamonds; not only in jewelry, but in character.

The infamous Money Bin. Scrooge used to keep his money under his mattress, but when it got too high he decided to build a money bin to keep it more safe and secure, which is why we use banks. It was a three-cubic-acre building and the vault housed the very first coin he ever made called his Number One Dime. He placed it placed on a velvet pillow in glass enclosed case. The Dime’s origins are described in the story called Getting That Heathy, Wealthy Feeling (1964). The bin housed only some of his money that he earned by himself from his personal dealings as he is once heard telling his nephews that the money stored here is “petty cash.” He would often swim in it. It was constantly under attack from his enemies, but he always thwarted them in the end.

Emergency Fund. Scrooge knew that, if something can go wrong it will. He believed in keeping savings and liquid assets just in case. At one point, he hid assets as startup capital should he ever need to start over.

Morality. Scrooge is aggressive when it comes to life and his pursuits, but exhibits strong amounts of self-control. He also has a temper just like his maternal nephew Donald Duck. He does not however use lethal force as he does not want to deal with feelings of guilt, anger, or despair. When helping others, he does not wait or request a thank you. He simply does what he is going to do. He does not believe in burning bridges, but understands that an enemy can be made and is not to be underestimated. He has said that only in fairy tales do bad people turn good, and that he is too old for them and old enough to not believe in fairy tales. “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” – Winston Churchill

He does not believe in cheating and dishonesty as those traits are not prosperous. He also believes in keeping his promises once his word is given. He has once said “Scrooge McDuck’s word is as good as gold.” He practiced what he preached: thrift and integrity. He constantly preached budgeting and being square. If you live your life like you are being followed around all day by a reporter, and everything is on the record, then you may do things differently. Scrooge also believes in the golden rule: treat others as you would want to be treated.

Attitude. Scrooge is very optimistic. There is always another rainbow. Plenty to go around. More than enough for all. The glass is always half-full. Opportunities are always just around the corner.

Resilience. Scrooge is never one to walk away from a challenge or money making opportunity. Regardless of how difficult the terrain or objective may be, Scrooge McDuck can grind it out with the best of them.  He has also shown great physical fitness through beating bigger characters, swimming, running and the like. Meaning he still continues to exercise and maintain a stamina that allows him to be mobile and agile well into older age. He has learned to quickly adapt to his surroundings and thrive in any environment and come out on top. He credits his success, which is due to his determination, grit, and will power, on the fact that he is “tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties.” Do not give up so easily. When times get tough, get tougher. Work harder, but also smarter.

Persistence. Scrooge is generous and kind in his older years to his nephews, but in his younger days the slaps of life hardened his character. Failure is not an option. He has learned to endure the difficulties of life with a tough exterior and personality to match. Do not be too soft or you will be taken advantage of by others. A great quote by Churchill: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

Charity. When Scrooge left for America his mother asked him to write to them and he promised his mother that he would send money home. There are times when he has donated to the poor or given money to the Salvation Army as well as gifting those who have helped him and have less than him. One of the best lessons in life is that you can help others including family. In life, you can’t get something for nothing. You have to give to get.

Family. Although Scrooge has no family of his own, he does have his nephew Donald and his great-nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie. These are his greatest and most prized possessions: his kin. In one episode of the animated television show Ducktales (1987), episode twenty-two entitled Down and Out in Duckburg which aired on October 13, 1987, the family ends up in the poorhouse. They decide to stick together in the tough times even as people mock and mistreat them. They all even end up washing dishes together to eke out a living.  In the end, they stick together as a family, tough it out and regain his fortune. The lesson here is to not ever take for granted or underestimate the importance of family.

Value of money. Scrooge always knew the value of a dollar. He would teach his nephews this through his actions and his words. He was a skinflint who only parted with money when absolutely necessary.

In another episode of the show, the boys asked for a raise in their allowance. Their Uncle Scrooge denies their request as he told them if he raised their allowance they would “grow up to have no respect for money, learn to live a wasteful life and end up out in the street begging for a few measly coins.” If the government just creates money, it loses its value. If everybody had lots of money, prices would go up, and then everyone has to have more money which leads to chaos.

This episode entitled “Dough Ray Me” aired on November 3, 1989 and was the 82nd episode of the series. The boys are able to duplicate money and the self-duplicating coins spread through Duckburg. The town is drowned “funny money” and buried in a “cash avalanche” causing sky high inflation.  The episode provides a very funny narrative through its series of events that show how inflation works.

The most notable theme is that money’s only value lies in how hard it is to obtain; “easy or funny money” loses value and leads to inflation. In this story, the boys learn a life lesson in everything that glitters is not gold. There is a price to be paid for everything and the bill always comes due. For example, future inflation grows to gargantuan proportions and money becomes worthless in this episode.

  • During the “cash avalanche” a newspaper is selling for “only” $200.
  • A lollipop costs a little girl $5,000; she hauls up a wagon full of money, saying in that case, she’ll take two.
  • A bus fare costs one poor guy an astounding $10,000 in exact change, which he heaves aboard in a huge sack.
  • At the dentist’s office, one man is told fillings for his two cavities will cost $40,000 per filling for a total of $80,000. He remarks by saying “Well, at least some prices haven’t gone up…”
  • Even the nephews complain at one point that it will cost them $30 just to use a gumball machine.
  • Money is so abundant that the Beagle Boys (series villains) try to rob a bank that has now become a money landfill to the cheers and applause of the bank employees.
  • In a twist of fate, the “funny money” implodes and everything goes back to normal proving that you really cannot make or get something for nothing and the coins are essentially worthless.

Many revelations are shown throughout the episode. For instance, even the show’s villains think the townspeople are acting unusual and overly generous. The triplets realize spending all their money on the first day of summer was unwise. They start to gain a respect for money in understanding that you need to know more than the price of everything or you will know the value of nothing. Like the Marshmallow experiment or test, that it is often called, of 40 years ago done at Stanford, the boys learn patience is a virtue and delayed gratification and self-control are important characteristics to have in life if one is to be successful.

Profit even in bad times. Profit also can come from unexpected events and misfortune. In one of the comics, a classic tale published in 1951 called “A Financial Fable,” where all of Scrooge’s money is lost in a cyclone blasting all the money to citizens in town is a great example. One day his money bin just explodes and all of his wealth ended up in the hands of the townspeople of Duckburg. He lost all his possessions and wealth, but looked for a way to make it all back. Instead of getting angry or wallowing in despair, Scrooge kept his head down and worked by growing crops on a farm he owned outside the town.

The newly minted rich townspeople stopped working to enjoy their new money and the trappings that go along with wealth. They did not believe in saving for the future, spending wisely, investing or delayed gratification. They spent with reckless and wild abandon. Scrooge’s crops just so happened to reach harvest exactly when the town was running out of food and, since the other farmers had quit growing crops, Scrooge had an effective monopoly on a vital good of commodities. He sold eggs for the price of one million dollars! Of course, Scrooge quickly recouped his fortune from selling his crops to the town at the sky-high prices (millions of dollars) that he was able to set due to the lack of competition. He was able to name his price for his goods and he made them high. This is how fortunes are made.

A monopoly. Like the game with the guy in the top hat, monopoly is all about collecting the most properties, cash, utilities and other holdings to win. A monopoly is a business or industry that is dominated by one corporation, firm or entity. Basically, you cannot buy products or services from virtually anywhere else other than this one place. Monopolies are the extreme result of capitalism. Without any restraints, and absent any regulations, the enterprise becomes so big that it owns all or nearly all of the market (assets, commodities, and supplies).

Anti-Trust laws. Laws were put in place to stop this practice of being a monopoly to ensure the marketplace stays open and competitive. This started in 1890 with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act that was used to break up John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil company. Monopolies are illegal because businesses can become discriminate and hurt the public because customers will be at the businesses mercy. Although Scrooge is the richest duck in the world, he believes in healthy competition and obeying the law.

Budgets and Bargain hunting. Scrooge finds deals galore, sticks to a strict budget, and likes anything for free or at a discount. He even teaches economics and inflation to his nephews in how you must manage the household finances through budgeting which is financial discipline. He says proper budgeting should leave a profit. Then you invest the profit. Money should not be idle and should be put to work. He allows the boys to invest in his company and become shareholders to grow their own money into wealth. After consulting his nephews, he requests a small fee and tells them that good things are never free. Remember this: When your good at something never do it for free. –  The Joker, DC Comics

In life you make mistakes, but the key is to learn from them. The key to building wealth is to stay out of debt and pay cash for large purchases like cars and appliance. Credit is no replacement for cash. Cash is king.

Bottom Line. Fictional characters can teach valuable lessons in life, such as morale character and finances. The only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary. Working, saving, and investing is the true path to wealth and success.

New banking rules: Clear a check payment in a day


“When bills come due, only cash is legal tender. Don’t leave home without it.” – Warren Buffet

I do not know about some of you out there, but I have noticed a change in the way a lot of banks operate.

I remember years ago that I would write a check and it would take three to five days to clear. Not anymore.

I wrote a check a few months ago and it cleared my bank account the next business day. That’s right, the next day!

There is no room for error in this new era of banking. The slightest margin of error is only allowed if you have your checking account linked to your savings account as overdraft protection.

However, that would require you to have cash in the first place to cover your checks.

I am a firm believer in not writing a check you can’t cash. And since cash is the only legal tender to pay bills, it is best that you have some.

I did some research and found some very interesting information.

A bank that I use sent a notice that they would now be doing faster processing of funds. This included same day available funds for checks.

I also read that banks typically do deposits five days a week but do debiting of accounts seven days a week.

This means that if you have a deposit coming in that is not done on Monday through Friday, but continuing to use your account over the weekend, this could cause you to go negative if you overspend.

In addition, if banks decide to structure transactions it could negatively affect your bottom-line.

Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, that you have check payments outstanding and are using your debit card at the same time. You write checks on Wednesday, use your debit card on Thursday and get paid on Friday.

If your payroll direct deposit comes in first, then all your payments and transactions are covered.

However, with just a flick of a button, a bank could strategically decide to do all transactions in a different order.

By first processing the cashing of the check payments, then posting debit card transactions and having your payroll come in last.

This type of financial rearrangement could wreak havoc on your bank balance if you go negative and cause numerous overdraft fees.

I one time had a bank charge me over $100 in overdraft fees for approximately $5 in several small charges that placed my account in the red!

Safe to say, I closed out that account.

Just some food for thought.
