Tag Archives: Accidental FIRE

The Simple Path to Wealth Book Review

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There is brilliance in simplicity. – Bruce Lee

Recently, I began reading the book The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins.

The book originated with letters to his daughter about financing.

On my path towards financial freedom, I have decided to read the books of other Personal Financial Bloggers.   

The book du jour: The Simple Path to Wealth.

Do you believe in coincidence?

I don’t believe in coincidence. I think that all things work together for good. – Kathie Lee Gifford

“I do not believe in meaningless coincidences. I believe every coincidence is a message, a clue about a particular facet of our lives that requires our attention.” – Deepak Chopra

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Well, it just so happened that the last finance blogger I interviewed for this website was Dave of Accidental FIRE called: Accidentally Wealthy on Purpose.

In that interview, he informed me that his favorite personal finance book was The Simple Path by JL Collins.

I mean what are the odds that I would be reading that EXACT BOOK at that EXACT MOMENT. 😲 Pretty slim that is for sure.

I too thought the book was pretty good and gives some sound financial advice.

I even tweeted out that advice directly from the book. And to my surprise JL Collins gave me a like. I appreciated that! 😉

After, doing that interview and sending the tweet and the getting a like form the author, I decided that I must do a book review on this book. Why? I feel that if you see something three times (3x), then it must be for a reason. They say things happen in three’s. So I went with it!  

Let’s get to it!

Drum roll please.

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The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life


He has been an investor since 1975. In 2011, he wrote a series of letters to his daughter about money and investing; which morphed into jlcollinsnh.com and led to this book.

Welcome inside the mind of the man who started the infamous Stock Series on his blog.

The foreword of his book was by Mr. Money Mustache.

Serious praise for the book:

“Let’s face it: Most investment books are boring. Dull. Uninspired. This book brings managing your money to life.” – Paula Pant, Afford Anything

“The media claim stock investing is no better than gambling. Collins cuts through the crap. He demonstrates a simple level-headed way to wealth that will lead you to a richer life.” – J.D. Roth, Founder Money Boss and Get Rich Slowly

I have to agree wholeheartedly with J.D. Roth’s assessment. I also got to meet him at FinCon. Nice guy 😉

See my post on FinCon

FinCon 18: The Recap From Your Friendly Neighborhood Greenbacks Magnet Part I and Part II

After reading the book, it was really eye-opening. One of the simplest approaches to investing and building wealth that I have ever read and I read A LOT!

My library card is on fire!!!   😂

Now let me tell you why I feel that way about the book.


There is no free lunch. tweet

There is no such thing as E-Z financing. Credit cards come with enormous interest rates. If you look on credit card statements today, it will give you two numbers.

One is how long it will take to pay off your balance paying the minimum amount.

The other is how long it will take before your balance is paid in full after three years.

Knowing that you can be paying off that sweater from last year until your kids are ready to graduate from college should scare most straight to the path of cash only!

Debt causes too many constraints and limits personal and financial freedom.

Paying a $10 minimum on a $300 balance is a sure fire way to the poor house.

If you owe more than 5% interest on any debt, then get rid of it ASAP. And forget all these consolidation loans and balance transfers. That’s like robbing Peter to pay Paul. Just work on steadily paying off the one with the most interest and then continue until all the debt is gone.

Then make being debt free last forever.


We all need it.

You know why? Because sh*t happens, that’s why.

What happens if you chip a tooth, get hit by an uninsured motorist, and the basement floods all in the same week?

You have to pay to handle of these situations. If nothing else, an insurance deductible; which can run into the thousands as house flooding can be a deductible as high as $5,000!

I previously wrote on F you money in a blog post called How Do You Play With FIRE?

Here is part of that post here for your convenience.

My blog post from the Mark Cuban on F-U Money blog post


Only you can decide how much money is enough. However, if we go by Rockefeller, enough is always a little more. Basically, how much money is enough?

For purposes of simplicity, we will use the examples of enough money given by billionaire Mark Cuban.

Mark Cuban on enough money:

“‘Enough’ is what it takes to not worry about the bills.”

“‘A lot’ is enough that you never have to worry about working again.”

“‘F you’ money means you can rent a jet to go wherever you want, whenever you want, and no party is out of reach.”

“‘F everyone’ money means you can have your favorite band in your backyard, not care how much it costs, and lend them your jet to get there.”

We’re not talking about rich; talking about wealthy. Chris Rock once said, “Shaquille O’Neal is rich. The guy who pays his salary is wealthy.”

He also said comfort is the poison. Too much of it can slow down your progress on the road to wealth. All I mean is to stay hungry. I’m just saying there are different levels of wealth.

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So trust me when I say you need F-U Money.


Coco Chanel — ‘Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.’

Jack Bogle founded the Vanguard Group in 1974.

Mr. Bogle created the first S & P 500 index fund. Due to its immensely low fees because the investors own Vanguard and not some company or board of directors that want to please shareholders, this book advises an investment in the VTSAX at Vanguard.

JL Collins advice: Invest in index funds with Vanguard and keep what is yours.

I concur.

I need all my coins. I want ALL of my MONEY! I aim to keep as much of it as possible. I’m almost as bad as Scrooge McDuck. Almost.

See my post on Money Lessons I Learned From Scrooge McDuck

Remember that episode of Ducktales when Fenton Crackshell was counting all of Scrooge’s money that he dumped into the lake in “Liquid Assets Part 1.”  That’s me! 🤣

Ducktales - Liquid2

Ducktales - Liquid8
Ducktales - Liquid9

This total stock market fund holds the entire U.S. stock market fund; which includes about 3,700 stocks.  As most of these companies are worldwide and involved in international markets, you only need this one fund. Simple right? 😉

And it is comprised of 80% of all the top funds in the S & P 500, so no need to diversify as you already have it here.

If that did not convince you, the maybe the best stock-picker of all time can: Warren Buffet.

He owns the company Berkshire Hathaway (stock symbols; BRK.A and BRK.B)

See my posts

Forget Simon, Do What Buffet Says

How I Used The Buffet 25 Strategy to Walk The Talk

Money And Chocolate

Don’t Take Money Too Personal

Patience Is The Key To Wealth

3 Rich Habits Of Millionaires

Do You Want A Million Dollars? Ask For It!

In the 2013 Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder letter, Buffet advised the following:

“What I advise here is essentially identical to certain instructions I’ve laid out in my will. One bequest provides that cash will be delivered to a trustee for my wife’s benefit. My advice to the trustee could not be more simple: Put 10% of the cash in short-term government bonds and 90% in a very low-cost S&P 500 index fund. (I suggest Vanguard’s.)”

I am a Vanguard and Berkshire Hathaway investor and I approve this message. 😉

Have you recently wrote a book? Are you looking for a review? Do you want to be Greenback’d? Tweet me. I’ll be here @mjp2520

Accidentally Wealthy on Purpose: An Interview with Accidental FIRE

Man, Business, Adult, Suit, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency

“We gonna win more. We gonna live more. We the best.” – DJ Khaled

I know what you’re thinking. How do you accidentally get wealthy on purpose. Well guess what? You’re about to find out.

This latest blogger interview comes from Dave of Accidental FIRE.

I reached out to him after seeing his name on like 20,000 blogs.

Here’s how it went down because as you know it goes down in the DM. 🤣

I sent this tweet out after seeing a post Dave published. I thought it had an inspiring title. So I retweeted it.

To my surprise, Dave responded. 😮

So I responded to Dave. 😁

That’s when he told me to hit him up in the DM! 😉

So yes ladies and gents, this post happened from a tweet!

He seems as passionate about writing and blogging as I do!

I was born for this, born for this It’s who I am, how could I forget? – Macklemore

Let’s get right down to it! It goes down in the DM!!! It goes down. It goes down!!! 😂 Yo Gotti – Down In The DM

The blog and the interview was done by Miriam of Greenbacks Magnet, but those lyrics up top are by Yo Gotti.


Welcome aboard all! All are welcome!

Welcome to Greenbacks Magnet. Home of attracting Greenbacks like Magnets! 🤣Can I help you find financial freedom?

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I want to thank you all for coming along this financial journey with me as I study the self-made and do blog interviews. You know, you are all my copilot’s on this magic carpet ride.

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In the illustrious words of #Aladdin Genie, “You ain’t never ever had a friend like meeeee!!!”🤣

Let’s Meet Dave!!!

I actually met Dave at FinCon. He was positive and had a great attitude. That was the thing I remember about him most. He may not have known it but I thought to myself now there’s someone I would not mind working with. 🤔

And here we are today.

Another day, another breath (another breath)
Been chasing dreams, but I never slept (I never slept) – Glorious Macklemore featuring Skylar Grey

I told Dave I thought he was one of the hardest working men in the blog business. I said that because I would go to read a post by a personal finance blogger and he would have already been there and posted the very first comment!

I couldn’t keep up with him! And I work HARD!!!

I remember seeing a comment on one blog post he did and he said, “Oh get out the popcorn. I see an interesting comments section coming on this post.”

Yep, that’s Dave.

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What it felt like to meet Dave at FinCon.

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He’s a genuine guy. 😉

Let’s talk about how Dave caught on financial FIRE!


GBM: Hey Dave!! You should let me interview you for the blog! 5 questions tops! If it will get this ball rolling. I know you’re busy, but I promise to keep it short and snappy. Scouts honor. 😉

Dave: Hey Miriam, I will have to ponder these and will get back to you, interesting questions 😉 

What is FIRE? It stands for Financial Independence Retire Early.

There are tons of blogs out there on the topic.

I even wrote a post called How do you play with FIRE?


According to Camp Fire Finance, the elevator pitch for FIRE is this, “When your investments generate enough money to cover your annual expenses you’re financially independent (FI). At that point work is optional and you can retire early (RE) if you want to.”

Basically, you have more than enough money coming in to stop working. Usually, this requires anywhere from $1 million to $5 million dollars depending on what you want or need to spend to maintain your lifestyle or that of the one you dream of having.

For example, if you decide you want to withdraw at least $80,000 a year, you would need to have a $2-million-dollar portfolio.

This is how I visualize myself on FIRE! 😂💋

Jennifer Lawrence in the Hunger Games was serving them eye candy with that dress. It was literally ON FIRE!!!

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To stay on theme, I will pick this image for Dave. 😉

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Let’s get to the interview. 😊

Dave: Hey Miriam, here are my responses.

1. How did you come up with your blog name?

I named my blog Accidental FIRE because I reached FI accidentally – meaning I wasn’t intentionally trying to get to a point where I didn’t have to work anymore.  I just wanted as much of a nest egg as I could get because I come from a background and family that has no money.  So it was about building security in my life.  But when I discovered the 4% etc it then accidentally became about working less too.

Accidental Fire

Good for you! 👍

It’s great to have goals. I call that a win!

Win, Word, Scrabble, Letters, Wooden

GBM Miriam: Some people may think building a nest egg from the ground up is impossible. I say personal finance is not rocket science. It is about earning, saving, and consistency.

Thanks for keeping it 💯and sharing that.

2. Any favorite finance books? What’s on your nightstand?

My favorite financial book is “The Simple Path To wealth” by JL Collins because it does the best job of boiling the basics down to make a FI path, well, simple.  On my nightstand now are two books “War Letters: Extraordinary Correspondence from American Wars”, and “The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure”.  Also my eyeglasses and a candle.

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Well ok ✌That’s some good reading material right there. 👍

GBM Miriam: I am actually reading The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins right now! I guess great minds think alike! 😉

This was me in school. 😂

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Even today, if I’m not reading, I like to exercise. 🤣 I like to keep busy. No idle hands.

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I still read comic books too! My favorite is Red Sonja.

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She Devil with a Sword

Fun Fact: The Marvel comic Red Sonja was turned into a film in 1985 starring one of my favorite self-made people to quote Arnold Schwarzenegger.

“Don’t focus on getting to $1 million; focus on getting to $2 million.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

I heard that little gem when Mr. Schwarzenegger was doing a radio interview.

I’ve learned to make every dollar count. Focus on turning every $1 into $2. Instead of $1 million focus on $2 million. I learned that from @Schwarzenegger 😉

Just my 2 cents. Smooches 💋

Did this book inspire this post I wonder? 🤔

3. What’s the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn’t learn from your resume?

I’m a pretty good juggler.

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Awesome! 👍That’s pretty cool.

4. What’s in your wallet? How did you start building wealth?

If you mean what kind of credit card I have a US Bank VISA that gives great reward points and that I use for everything.  I started building wealth as soon as I started working when I was 16, I’ve always spent less than I made.  But I started supercharging my wealth-building after reading a copy of Money magazine in 1995 and putting money in index funds.

Nice! 👌

GBM Miriam: I actually started after reading a Kiplinger magazine around 2007. I also put my money in index funds like the VFINX 500 index with Vanguard, which tracks an index like the S&P 500.

I try to save and invest over 40% of my income.

Although it is now closed to new investors you can put money into the VTSAX which is 80% comprised of the 500 largest companies in the United States.

Your story on how you grew up and got started building wealth reminds me of the song Glorious from Macklemore.

I feel glorious, glorious Got a chance to start again!

I loved it in the Crazy Rich Asians movie trailer.

5. What 80’s film best describes your relationship with money or the lifestyle you would like to have?

I guess I’d pick “Stand By Me” It doesn’t have much to do with money but I love the movie because it reminds me of my childhood – being in a small pack of super close friends and exploring and maybe sometimes getting into thins we shouldn’t have.  And I’m still friends with all those guys today so it’s fun to reminisce about when we were younger and our knees didn’t hurt so much!

I hear you! 😉

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Love that movie! It had some inspiring words. Love the 80’s. 💖

You know? Dialogue like this. 🤣

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GBM Miriam: Seriously, though that film makes me tear up at the end every time. A great coming of age story about friendship.

Why we blog about finances?

I’ll let Skylar Grey answer that:

We gon’ be alright, put that on my life
When I open my eyes, hope I see you shine
Now I feel glorious, glorious
I feel glorious, glorious

Well, we have come to the end of this interview. Hope you had fun.

Here at Greenbacks Magnet we like to have fun. And I had a blast!!!

GBM Miriam: Thank you Dave for stopping by!! I sure hope we will see each other again at the next money meets media conference as FinCon19 is coming to DC! But if not, there is always Twitter and DM’s. 😉

I bid you all farewell. Until we meet or tweet again.

I will give you one of my farewell messages that I tweet as a show of my appreciate for you hanging out with me here at Greenbacks Magnet.

Hope you had fun with me today and my Lipstick confessions. I must bid you all a good night. And go back to my regular identity. May the 80s live on forever in our hearts. Smooches💋 Greenbacks Magnet

Shows over Synergy. #Jem

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Are you surprised I sent this tweet? Well, don’t be. I told you I loved the 80’s!!!

Hey Dave!!! Thank you. Appreciate that quick turnaround right there!

ACF Dave: thanks Miriam 👍

Remember how I said I saw Dave on like 20,000 blogs. Well, I guess that is a popular number.

Got 20, 000 deep off in the street like we some warriors
My mama told me never bow your head, woo! – Macklemore

But this time, you can take a bow and bow your head Dave. You were a great guest to have. 👏👏👏

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Want more on purpose money advice from Dave of Accidental FIRE?

Visit his website Accidental FIRE and Follow him on Twitter @Accidental_Fire and