Tag Archives: Destiny’s Child

Why You Should Always Trust But Verify

Trust, Faith, Encouragement, Trust

“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.”
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Trust is a five-letter word. A word that is small in size, but whose meaning is of monumental importance.

Today on Greenbacks Magnet we are spilling the tea and reading the tea leaves on the topic of personal finance.

Somewhat like Jalen and Jacoby do on their podcast.

This is a no-holds barred conversation about getting your fiscal house in order.

If I had a podcast right now, I have several friends or family members that could be my partner on this magic carpet ride. Aladdin had Princess Jasmine. Jordan had Scottie Pippen. Keenan had Kel. Barack has Michelle. Oprah has Gayle. Key had Peele. Batman has Robin. Kermit the Frog has Miss Piggy. Jalen has Jacoby.

Having a partner just makes things more fun.

I ask my significant other all the time, “Are you gonna back me up?! Are you gonna be the pip to my Gladys?!” I need people with good character that I can trust around me.

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It’s like my man Shakespeare says, “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” ― William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well

Trusting people with your money comes with huge financial risks! And I notice it is more risk than reward. You have to be on top of things when it comes to your money.

So today, I am going to give you some real stories of private conversations I have been in, eavesdropped on, and stood witness to in hopes it might help you more easily navigate these hostile fiscal waters out here in these mean streets.

I’m doing it Jalen Rose and David Jacoby style for those of you ESPN fans out there, you know what I’m talking about.

I want you to trust my advice, and me but I also want you to verify it.

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Let’s get started and dive right in.

In the spirit of Jalen and Jacoby:

Got to give the people…

Give the people what?

What they want!

What do they want?

Current events! They want you to spit that hot fire!

And in this blogs case FIRE is Financial Independence, Retire Early!


That is a famous quote uttered by former President Ronald Reagan during the Cold War.

He was a former Hollywood actor turned politician, which was unheard of at the time in 1981. My how times have changed.

Reagan also gave us Reaganomics, also known as Voodoo Economics, it works as crazy as it sounds. Voodoo (magic) is French in origin and hails from Louisiana around the 1700’s, which is before the Louisiana Purchase between the United States and France, negotiated by President Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon in 1803.

Therefore, the term Voodoo Economics simply means magic economics or finances (magic money).

There goes that Peter Pan quote I put at the top circling back to us as magic money is like pixie dust! It just doesn’t exist! In my mind, this is like creating money or great finances out of thin air.

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It’s kind of how 50 Cent said he owed $8 million worth of Bitcoin when he owed nothing and created $8 million of wealth for himself in the eyes of his followers on Instagram because we are all just, and I roll my eyes as I type this, “living for the Gram.” I discuss fifty and the Gram on this post.

According to Psychologytoday.com, Reaganomics is this in that “the simple answer: when the outcome is essential and matters more than the relationship, use “trust, but verify.” When the relationship matters more than any single outcome, don’t use it.” Basically, if you are unsure of how to proceed in making a decision where the outcome can be life-changing, then do your research to uncover the facts before saying yes.

In my opinion, that means reviewing credit reports before walking down the aisle.

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Why should I commit to someone with four felonies, two bankruptcies, a property lien and $50,000 of back taxes owed to the IRS without knowing what I am getting myself into. You would be surprised what you uncover with a simple credit report.

A woman has a right to say no or change her mind about marriage all the way until the time she is in front of the minister. It’s cool to trust your partner when they say they paid off that Neiman Marcus credit card, but request that copy of the credit report baby to verify.


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Reaganomics, or Reaganism, refers to the economic policies promoted by U.S. President Ronald Reagan during the 1980s.

The economic policies of the former US president Ronald Reagan, associated especially with the reduction of taxes and the promotion of unrestricted free-market activity. “the claim that cutting taxes generates more revenue was a key element of Reaganomics”

When looking up Voodoo Economics this pops up in the search: an economic policy perceived as being unrealistic and ill-advised, in particular a policy of maintaining or increasing levels of public spending while reducing taxation. “as governor, he put into practice the same voodoo economics that he would later impose on the country as president”

I will give it to you in layman’s terms, give more to the rich and their gains of money and benefits should also find it’s way down to everyone else.

It’s the reverse of Robinhood’s theory of taking from the rich and giving to the poor, by instead giving to the rich. There you have it. I just gave you the premise of Trickle-down Economics.

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Great question. Trickle-down economics, also called trickle-down theory, refers to the economic proposition that taxes on businesses and the wealthy in society should be reduced as a means to stimulate business investment in the short term and benefit society at large in the long term. 

According to thebalance.com writer Kimberly Amadeo, Trickledown economics is a theory that claims benefits for the wealthy trickle down to everyone else. These benefits are tax cuts on businesses, high-income earners, capital gains, and dividends. … All of this expansion will trickle down to workers. 

I don’t know about that.

When I look to my left on the West Coast, I see massive homelessness.

When I look to my right on the East Coast, I see wage stagnation.

Taxes got cut, but people are in even more debt. When the top 10% of the richest American households own 84% of the stock market wealth in the country something is terribly askew.

I call gentle bullshit on all this record stock market gains that is causing the country to grow wealth for all.

It seems more that instead of lifting all boats to prosperity for 99% of the population, stocks are lifting a few yachts of the 1%.

In the illustrious words of Sheldon Cooper, pardon me, I mean Dr. Cooper, this is a bunch of hokum. I mean the term even has the word trick in it. Hello?


I have seen stuff you would not believe people have done when it comes to their money.

I saw a couple of government workers deciding to take on an $800,000 mortgage. Don’t ask me why. After 30 years of payments, they will have paid $1.6 million for a pile of bricks they are never at because they are always at work. Then the husband loses his job and they lose the house!

If you do not have $1.6 million in retirement or other assets, then you cannot afford or should not buy a home for three-quarters of a million.

Since, many college students see their friends take out loans to fund spring break trips they feel they are entitled to do it too! I actually knew someone who got a boob job and paid off a car with a student loan refund.

I hear tons of people say they are never going to retire, can’t afford college, and will work forever but no one wants to downsize their $400,000 mortgage. If they want it, they get it. How you ask? Do what the neighbors did and take out a HELOC.


I’m about to spill that tea so don’t blink or you might miss it!

Overheard around an office watercooler.

“I owe $100,000 in back property taxes to the IRS.”

Overheard at the nail salon.

“I bought a $700 Gucci belt.”

Heard it from a friend.

“My daughter wants a pair of Gucci boots.”

Come on now. I have said it before. The only teenager that deserves a pair of Gucci boots is on stage with her two friends Kelly and Michelle.

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A grandmother recounting her money woes to me.

“I am in $25,000 worth of credit card debt. I am on a fixed income. My granddaughter was supposed to use my credit card for a one-time charge to pay her auto insurance when she got a new car and then I found out she never stopped it and I paid for the whole year! When I asked her for the money back she said she didn’t have it and then told me about all the bills she has.”

A male-exotic dancer told me, “I strip because I don’t make enough at my job to live on that.”

The guy who can’t pay his child support who owns a Range Rover and house is constantly in danger of foreclosure.

A beauty salon owner who confided in me. Her child support payment is $25 a month and the father keeps quitting his job so he don’t have to pay it! At the tender age of 25, she also decided to lease a beauty shop and buy a home. She said, “It’s like paying two mortgages.”

Another friend.

“I would rather struggle today and get my forever home, than buy a starter home and have a smaller home and have to move.”

A cousin.

“I can’t make too much or they will take me off Section 8 housing.”

Just FYI, many safety net programs do not allow you to make too much or have too much in savings or assets. If you have more than $2,000 in checking, you could lose all income assistance benefits and NEVER be able to get back on. Essentially, keeping the poor trapped in a cycle of poverty.


There is a saying. Control your money; control your life. When you know how money works life is easy. When you don’t, life is hard.

I read every book I can get my hands on about finance. I have learned about taxes, insurance, stocks, real estate, and entrepreneurship.

Here are a couple books I have read that changed my money mindset.

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Some things I have done to build wealth and start saving over $13,000 a year.

I stopped getting personal loans. It took me years to pay off a $20,000 personal loan. I took that $333 monthly payments and started saving money.

I once had a $448.65 car payment. I paid off the car and started investing that money.

I started studying the stock market.

I cut out buying clothes and all shopping and stared saving over $8,000 a year. I canceled subscriptions. Maybe Jillian Michaels may want to do the same as on her Instagram, cause you know we are all “living for the Gram,” she stated she would like to figure out how “like to get my American Express bill down.” 

I only spend on things I love and I cut spending mercilessly on the things I don’t.

I transferred over $84,000 out of multiple stock funds and placed my bet on one 500 index fund.

I write money milestones.

The goal is to be a 401(k) millionaire.

By investing over 25% of my income into things like the VFINX, VFIAX, or VTSAX, I can make this dream a reality.

Milestone number one was $100,000 in Mr. Market. I hit that marker and kept on climbing.

The money starts accumulating faster like a freaking avalanche once you have that first $100k. The next stop was $200,000.

Then I started making my way to a quarter million.

I estimated that once you hit $250,000, then you can get to millionaire status in 14.5 to 23.5 years with a 6% or above interest rate. And that is without adding another dime.

Once you get to one-quarter of a million, the other three-quarters are not too far behind.

If you could invest $20,000 a year including employer match, you could be a millionaire in 10 years with a 10% return with a principal investment start of $250,000.

That first $100,000 is your capital to a better future. It plants the seed money from which the rest of the harvest will grow.


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Dropping dimes used to mean putting a dime in a payphone to connect with someone.

Now it is used more figuratively than literally as in giving some knowledge in this case.

The reason I invest most of my money in index funds is this piece of advice from Warren Buffet.  

He instructed the trustee in charge of his estate to invest 90 percent of his money into the S&P 500 for his wife after he dies.

Warren Buffet is worth $81 billion. Most of his wealth came after the age of 50. Buffet gained 99% of his wealth after 50. That 1% of his wealth took 50 years to build, the other $80 billion too like 25 years or less than half the time it took to get the first billion.

He had to create companies, invest, graduate from Columbia, start businesses, and save the excess for 50 years to create the other 99% of his wealth!

In farming, like 99% of the crop comes from just 2% of the seeds that survive. Every time you invest your money, you are sowing seeds for your future self.

Focus less on buying luxury and focus more on buying assets to pay for luxury. I even get inspired by fictional cartoon characters like Scrooge McDuck and his number one dime story.

In a book I read, they state three of their truths about money. She stated, “the Scarcity Mind- set taught me the three lessons that would eventually turn me into a millionaire:

Money is the most important thing in the world.
Money is worth sacrificing for.
Money is even worth bleeding for.

Well, until next time party people. I’m out.

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5 Money Lessons From Maniac Mansion

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For those of you out there that grew up in the in the 90’s, then you may remember a video game by the name of Maniac Mansion.

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It was released on October 5, 1987 on multiple platforms such as Apple II, Atari and Nintendo to much fanfare and critical acclaim and was developed by the man who created Luke Skywalker and the Star Wars franchise, George Lucas, through Lucasfilm Games.

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This was long before the iphone was released to worldwide sensation back in 2007, which was developed by another pioneer, Steve Jobs of Apple.

See my post How Being An Outlier Can Make You Rich

What I absolutely loved about this game was the character development. They were so much fun. Interacting with Weird Ed and Edna and the tentacles was a riot!

Even how the characters spoke to each other was hilarious. Let me provide you with this example.

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However, as with anything, you have to look below the surface and take a deeper look. Therefore, I wrote this post focusing on the financial aspects of this game in regards to how you can relate money to the world around you. Even a video game.

And do not even get me started on the price of games today! Growing up we thought $60 a pop for one game was outrageous! Boy, were we wrong.

Today, you can spend $80 or more for a subscription to play your Playstation or Xbox console. Another subscription! Come off it marketing departments across America! You know people can’t afford to barely buy toilet paper out here, let alone video game subscriptions!

Don’t believe me?

When the longest government shutdown in United Sates history, it lasted 35 days, happened people were in line at soup kitchens!

Missing one check caused people absolute panic. And I don’t mean at the disco! One lady said that she was down to $1.26 in her checking account; that was all the money she had and she didn’t know what she was going to do.

You see back in the good old days, you would go to the store, buy an item, do the transaction one time, and like Cinderella’s fairy Godmother’s would say, “bibbidi-bobbidi-boo” and you owed the thing free and clear as the transaction was done, over, finito. 

See my post America Is The Land Of Subscriptions

This post will show you how to save money, get rich, and maybe decide to put a down payment on some property, but it doesn’t have to be a mansion. So here we go.

5 Money and Life Lessons from Maniac Mansion

But first… What is Maniac Mansion?

Maniac Mansion is a 1987 graphic adventure video game developed and published by Lucasfilm Games.

It follows teenage protagonist Dave Miller as he attempts to rescue his girlfriend from a mad scientist, whose mind has been enslaved by a sentient meteor. The player uses a point-and-click interface to guide Dave and two of his six playable friends through the scientist’s mansion while solving puzzles and avoiding dangers. Gameplay is non-linear, and the game must be completed in different ways based on the player’s choice of characters.


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It has been over twenty years since a mysterious purple meteor came hurtling out of the sky and made a large crater in the front lawn of a large Victorian mansion belonging to the Edison family. Dr. Fred, his wife Nurse Edna, and their son Weird Ed were reclusive people who left the house very rarely, but the meteor’s arrival brought about a strange change in Dr. Fred. Now, a local cheerleader has vanished without a trace. Dave, her boyfriend, has gathered a few of his close comrades on a mission to invade the mansion and save Sandy!

However, if we just focus on the part about the mansion…basically, big homes costs big bucks! For fun, I looked up the cost of Victorian homes.

The Main House at Skywalker Ranch inspired the design of Maniac Mansion‘s setting, which is reported to have cost self-made millionaire George Lucas around $100 million dollars.

A large white house with black roofing in front of green hills and forests.
The Skywalker Ranch
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So unless you are onstage with your two friends Kelly and Michelle or creating the next new franchise, you may want to stick with buying a home you can afford.

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Let’s not forget that property taxes are forever! If you can’t pay your taxes, you can still lose your home, even if you own it free and clear.

Taxes are an ongoing expense to owning a home.

Let us not forget that even celebrities have to sell homes for unforeseen reasons and sometimes at a loss.

It was reported that Johnny Depp was suing his management company for $25 million and in the court filing it detailed his spending at at $2 million- a-month! He had considerable property holdings and it was also reported that he was advised to sell a family home located in Paris, France or something along those lines and possibly at a loss at that!

Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson was also recently in the news as his Connecticut manse was costing him $70,000-a-month to maintain. That basically is the cost of running a small boutique hotel or miniature bed-and-breakfast. He ended up selling the property at a loss, he paid $4.1 million and sold at $2.3 million, to stop paying the exorbitant cost of owning the place.

Lastly, Mary J. Blige was reported to own a couple mansion-style properties in New Jersey that were unable to be rented. You read that right. She is paying for properties that are uninhabitable, costing her money every single month night and day, and collecting no rent on the properties. In her divorce filing, she was reported to make over $300,000 a month so it is unclear why exactly these properties are unable to be renovated and sold without a closer look at her financial records and proper accounting.

The reason I refuse to buy a big home is because they along with cars can be wealth suckers.

Doing the math, if you buy a $350,000 at a 5% interest rate and take 30 years to pay it off it will cost you around $700,000! Or a $500,000 home could cost you $1,000,000. Yes, twice what you bought the home for.

And most people are working to pay for this behemoth, fancy vacations, and expensive nights on the town with bottle service meaning they are not even home enough to enjoy paying double the cost of it!

See my post American Homes Are $1,100 Per Month Storage Units


All good things come in time. Building wealth is no exception to the rule.

I started out with a toothbrush, a bag of clothes, and some books.

Now I have a home, paid off vehicle, stocks, investments, and even more books. The point I’m trying to make here is that you accumulate money and things over time. You may not have everything you want right now, but keep working.

Never let yesterday use up too much of today. – Will Rogers

If you are working towards something, the don’t stop or quit for anything. I turned a $450 car payment into $100,000. It took like a decade.

Come to think of it, it usually takes people 10 years or more to perfect whatever it is their doing so you may as well chill out.

The humorist Will Rogers (1879-1935) once told a young John Wayne some sound and simple advice. I will share it with you here.

After John Wayne (1907-1979) complained for a full 10-15 minutes of why he wasn’t being paid more to act on film, he asked Will Rogers what he should do? Will Rogers replied, “Well kid, are you working?” To which, John Wayne replied, “yes.” Then Will Rogers says, “keep working.” And then proceeds to walk away.

So my reply to anyone who wants something NOW, “have patience.” This is me NOW moving on to the next paragraph and lesson in this post, which is my equivalent to Will Rogers walking away. I have given you all the advice you need on that topic. Moving on.


One of the best things about the game are the characters. Each have different looks, mannerisms, ways of speaking, talents and abilities. This is part of what makes the game so much fun.

Dave is on a mission. To save his girlfriend Sandy. But he can’t do it alone. He brings along his friends to help him out and watch his back.

This is also sound advice if you want to build a fortune and an empire. Nobody does it alone. Eventually you will need to work with bankers, lawyers, businesses, investment professional, and tax attorneys.

It is always best to make friends than enemies as you never know when it is the next time you will see someone again.

When you are climbing that corporate ladder, those same people you tried to step on on the way up, you may see them again on the way down.

Hopefully, you offered them a piece of the pie instead of one to the face.

Mark Cuban said some great business advice in that if you start a company, then make sure your employees have some stock options invested in it as part of their compensation. That way if the company is successful and gets sold then the employees make money too.

This does two things: 1) eliminates wealth inequality (many of Mark Cuban’s former employees, 300 out of 330, became millions); and 2) encourages people to pay it forward through philanthropy and spend money that gets circulated back into the economy.


In the game, if you get caught snooping around the mansion, then you are sen t to the dungeon.

The game is notorious for constantly getting you thrown in the dungeon by almost every member of the household if you are seen.

Fortunately, the game has a cheat in which you can get the dungeon key and let yourself and others that have been captured out of the dungeon. Without this trick in the game, you are toast.

Speaking of toast, avocado toast is not causing millennial’s to be broke. It is the ever escalating cost of education, housing, and healthcare that makes it harder to save.

All wealth building starts with saving. Period. A good cash reserves is a must. Here is a tip for you. Pros have cash. Amateurs do not. Pros are not under any kind of financial pressure. They remove the pressure and make rational decisions because they have money in the bank. Only amateurs allow pressure to get to them. Remove much of the pressure in your life by having cash reserves.

I recommend that being $10,000 or more in savings. That is how you are able to rescue yourself from being trapped in a financial dungeon. Just have cash.


The video game Maniac Mansion has 5 possible endings. Depending on what players you chose to play and what actions you take.

The game allows you to have 3 characters for game play out of about 6. These are the people that have your back in case things should go wrong.

In addition, their different talents and unique abilities allow each kid to be an asset to the team. You must too do this in life. You must have back up…plans that is.

For example, I try to keep a minimum of 2-3 months or more of savings in the bank at ALL TIMES! Then I ramped it up to a goal of $10,000.

In addition, if you can save $233,000 in your 401(k), then you do not have to add another cent! After 20 years, with a return rate of 8 percent, you will have $1,001,857.35 in your retirement account. That’s Plan A. Cant’t envision making that happen? Then go to plan B. Save $168,000 in your 401(k), then do not add another penny. After 25 years, with a return rate of 8 percent, you will have $1,001,358.03 in your retirement account.

Are you starting to get the idea?

You can move the finish line and change your actions according to what is happening in your life, but keep the goal. If necessary, you can have a Plan A, B, C, D, etc. The point is to make it so that you are always moving forward by planning ahead.

Just like you have to do when playing Maniac Mansion.

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So let’s get out there, have some fun, and start saving!

Money Mayhem And Mishaps: Money Lessons From Adventures In Babysitting

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I have never been much of a babysitter. Looking back, I think it all started with seeing the sensational film called Adventures in Babysitting.

The film was released in theaters on July 3, 1987. I remember consonantly watching this movie on cable in the 90’s while growing up. Adventures in Babysitting (also known as A Night on the Town in certain countries) is a 1987 American comedy film written by David Simkins, directed by Chris Columbus (in his directorial debut), and starring Elisabeth Shue, Maia Brewton, Keith Coogan, Anthony Rapp, Penelope Ann Miller, Bradley Whitford, and brief cameos by blues singer/guitarist Albert Collins and singer-songwriter Southside Johnny Lyon.

Tonight we will talk about 5 lessons from the film that has stuck with me.

Why do I love this movie so much?

The sheer adrenaline rush of one long night of misadventures, a Thor reference, and nonstop chaos are what good 80’s movies are all about!

So put down that tub of Haagen Dazs ice cream and slice of pizza because I am about to take you on the babysitting ride and night of your life!!


Ah yes, the proverbial date night is a time-honored tradition that starts in puberty and goes all the way through the ages and well into marriage.

The movie starts when seventeen-year-old Chris Parker (Elisabeth Shue from The Karate Kid) get a call from her boyfriend (Bradley Whitford) that he has to cancel their date on their anniversary. What type of guy cancels on a girl on their anniversary? You will have to watch the movie to find out. Sorry no spoilers for that part here.

Opening credits

Speaking of date night, please do not get suckered into thinking you must impress the person you are with by picking up your date in a $50,000 BMW convertible, taking her to an expensive restaurant and buying equally expensive flowers.

For the right guy, I would settle for movie and a pizza. Just a small tip: Frugal couples tend to be the happiest couples. 😉

See my post Beamers, Benz, And Bentleys Or A GMC Truck?

Fun Fact: I got to meet the cast of The Karate Kid at AwesomeCon in DC this past April 2019. They were exactly as you would expect: Fabulous. Totally cool, easy to talk to, upbeat, and just decent human beings. I even got a photo taken with William Zabka and got Ralph Macchio to sign my photo of My Cousin Vinny! Are you sure about that 5 minutes?! 🤣

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As sure as I am that this post has 5 lessons!!

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Keep reading and find out! 😉

Instead of hanging out with her best friend Brenda (Penelope Ann Miller) her mother convinces her to babysit the Andersons’ daughter, 8-year-old Sara (Maia Brewton), while they attend a party in downtown Chicago.

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To which Chris replies, “I’m too old to babysit.” Honey, you ain’t seen nothing yet! 🤣

This was the worst babysitting gig on the planet. But Chris pulled through like a champ. Let’s see if you can keep up with the plot details.

Chris is set to babysit Sara. Her older brother, Fifteen-year-old Brad Anderson (Keith Coogan), has a massive crush on Chris. His friend Daryl (Anthony Rapp) comes by carrying his dad’s Playboy with a woman in it that looks just like Chris. Her best friend Brenda, who ran away to the bus station downtown because she just can’t take it anymore at home, calls her frantically from inside a phone booth (which doubles as a homeless man’s home) to come pick her up from downtown. They are in a race against time to get downtown before Brad and Sara’s parents get back.

And did I mention that on the way they get a flat tire, get a ride from a one-hooked truck driver whose wife is cheating on him so he pulls a gun on the guy while they’re in the car. And a car thief steals the Cadillac they are hiding in while they are still in it! All this is happening while she needs to get her mom’s station wagon towed and fixed. Oops, I meant to say her mom’s car! 🤣

She says that line throughout the entire film with suck shock and dismay that I laugh every time!

Hi-jinks ensue when you are the babysitter in this tale. So if anyone every recommends babysitting to me as a side hustle, no thanks. I’ll pass.

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Once Chris gets that phone call from Brenda, that’s when all hell breaks loose!!!

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Her mom’s car gets a flat, they are taken to a chop shop in a stolen car, escape from car thieves and then they enter a blues club where the band on stage won’t let them leave until they sing the blues.

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Daryl starts talking t a streetwalker but that gets cut short as they are being chased by the car thieves because they know where they are located so they hop on the Chicago L train and get put into the middle of a gang fight. One of the best scenes of the movie happens right here. Don’t F#*k with the babysitter! 🤣

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The list goes on and on. All the while Brenda is still stuck downtown having her own adventures.

Let’s start with the fact that Chris would not have had these issues had Brenda not chose to run away. This caused her mom’s car to get a flat on the freeway, her windshield to get shot out, and that would cost her $50 bucks!

They end up running into a fraternity party where Chris befriends a guy there played by actor George Newbern (voice of Ren in Pirates of Dark Water). Hearing of her plight he offers to donate $45 to her cause.

See my post Money and Life Lessons From The Pirates Of Dark Water

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Now that’s a real stand-up guy.

Sometimes you just got to be a pal.

This is truly where the term a friend in need is a friend in deed applies. He decided to help her out with no hesitation and asked for nothing in return.

This is the part in the film where I’m like “Ferris Bueller you’re my hero!” 🤣

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One of my favorite parts was when she said I will just use the money I have in my account to pay for everything, but when she looks at her checkbook she sees she doesn’t have enough.

So let this be a life lesson for you all out there; never leave home without cash and a credit card.

I learned this lesson from Arnold Schwarzenegger as he says he never leaves home without a credit card and at least $1,000 in cash just in case.

See my post on How Arnold Schwarzenegger Totally Recalls making $20 Million-Dollar Paychecks


Dan, the fraternity guy, drops the gang off at the garage.

She explains to the owner, a Thor look alike, much to the delight of Sara, she is $5 short. He refuses to give them the car until Sara offers up her Thor helmet as a peace offering and selfless gift. He then gives them their car.

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There are times when despite our best efforts we come up short.

However, like in the song Izzo (H.O.V.A.), JayZ said, “Plus if they was short with cheese I would work with them.”

Sometime you just got to help a brother out! Or in this case, a babysitter.

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After getting the car back, Chris spots her boyfriend in a restaurant with another girl. The gang goes in and confronts him.

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While the shenanigans with Mike ensues, Sara slips away and while looking at toys in a display window gets spotted by the car thieves.

Come on, Chris! You should have some sort of plan in case you and the kids get separated.

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She then runs to her parents building and scales the side while trying to get away from the thieves. Chris goes after her by climbing down the side of the building herself. Talk about going the extra mile!

From personal experience, I know how hard it is out here. You have to make a dollar out of fifteen cents!

But I am here to tell you, “Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today To get through this thing called life” and if the elevator tries to bring you down GO crazy!!! haha Thank you Prince for those inspiring words.

Because I thought Chris was insane for scaling a building, but hey, you do what you’ve got to do out here. Like Prince said in the song Let’s Go Crazy, “In this life, you’re on your own.”

In my own experience, I had to work at a gas station to pay the bills.

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It didn’t matter if I had to scrub toilets, sell hot dogs, or sell home security systems door-to-door (yes I did that too), I did what I had to do to survive.

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Wasn’t nothing going on but the rent and it’s due on the first!

You are too good for nothing when it comes to your family and finances.

You have to put food on the table.

Go get two jobs if you have too!!!

But you take care of your obligations.

My father always told me responsibilities first, fun later.

I also cold-called jobs to see about getting gigs.

That is how I ended up getting one selling cell phones. In addition, I met people that would end up becoming life long friends.

Doing what you have to do, rolling up your sleeves, and putting in the work always gets rewards.


They get Sara and the kids retrieve Brenda from the bus station and rush home, narrowly avoiding the Andersons on Interstate 290.

And Chris has everything taken care of right before Sara and Brad’s parents walk through the door.

As Chris says goodnight to the kids, Brad tells her he understands about her not returning his crush and that if they see each other at school the next day, it’s okay if she ignores him. But Chris smiles and tells him she doesn’t ignore her friends. Damn straight!!

As Chris is leaving, Dan arrives with one of Sara’s missing skates. He says he needs a babysitter and is disappointed when Chris says she is retired; he confesses the babysitter was for him. Chris decides that retirement can wait and gladly agrees to babysit Dan. Sara was delighted to see here missing skate and tells Chris to reward him with a kiss. With Sara’s encouragement, Chris and Dan kiss outside as Brad closes the blinds giving them some privacy.

Inadvertently, Chris got that kiss she wanted in the beginning of the film as the song was saying in the opening credits, but from another man instead of that jerk she dated.

The last lesson of the night; focus on your retirement.

Much like Chris came out of babysitting retirement, you too must not call it quits until you have made sure everything you need and want is in place.

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You are in a race against time my friends to get out of the rat race sooner rather than later and that can only happen if you plan ahead.

I used an online calculator and found that if you start at $0 and invest $8,500 for 30 years at an 8% return, you will have $1,039,939.88. That’s right, you will be a millionaire!

If you can save $20,000 a year, this includes an employer match as does the previous retirement example, you hit the seven-figure milestone in 20 years! You would be free to be you.

Now this is an adventure worth taking.

The retire early adventure.

Current Principal: $
Annual Addition: $
Years to grow:
Interest Rate:
Compound interest
1 time(s) annually
Make additions at start end of each compounding period

Future Value: $ 1,039,939.88

How Beyoncé and Jay-Z became a $1 billion couple

I don’t like to gamble, but if there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself. – Beyoncé

Hip-hop is more about attaining wealth. People respect success. They respect big. They don’t even have to like your music. If you’re big enough, people are drawn to you. – Jay-Z

The 2018 Grammy’s have come and gone. And even though Jay-Z went away empty-handed on January 28th, he is far from empty-pocketed.

Forbes listed his net worth as $810 million and Beyoncé with her own at $350 million net worth.

That’s right. Beyoncé and Jay-Z are a billion-dollar couple.

Through not only music and touring, but lucrative business dealings have made them a fortune.

Here is where it all began.

Jay-Z builds an empire

“By the time I got to record my first album, I was 26, I didn’t need pen or paper – my memory had been trained just to listen to a song, think of the words, and lay them to tape.” – Jay-Z

Back in 1996, a rising rap star named Jay-Z, who was known for memorizing lots of rhymes without writing them down, put out the album Reasonable Doubt.

It all began when Jay-Z and two others started their own record label, Roc-A-Fella Records, when the talented artist was unable to get a record deal.

It eventually went platinum. From there he would go on to record the commercially successful and critically acclaimed album Hard Knock Life in 1998.

He has not slowed down since.

Jay-Z was a business owner and rapper as he rapped for the very label he owned.

And he would eventually go on and sell the label to Def Jam.

He became a record exec who helped launch the careers of Kanye West and Rihanna. And eventually served as CEO of Def Jam Records in 2004 (a job he took to assume control of his earlier master recordings with the label).

Jay-Z signs another huge deal with Live Nation for $200 million in 2017, his second big payday with the concert promoter. The first 10-year deal was for $150 million in 2008. Through this deal he makes millions in merchandising and concert revenue.

His interests outside of music (Rocawear, and stakes in 40/40 Club and the New Jersey Nets as a sports team owner) have netted him millions more. He sold Rocawear for a reported $204 million. It was said the deal in 2007, would net him around $35 million in cash. This cash infusion would be the seed money used to fund his other business ventures.

He has sold more than 28 million albums in his 15 plus-year solo career.

He has done numerous solo tours including going out on the road in 2013 to support one of his most recent albums, Magna Carta…Holy Grail.

He purchased the streaming service Tidal for $56 million back in 2015. It is now said to be worth $600 million.

He has used his ownership of Roc-A-Fella Records and Rocawear clothing brands to build what he has today.  In 2018, he is one of the richest musicians in the world.

Beyoncé builds her own empire

“Do what you were born to do. You just have to trust yourself.” – Beyoncé Knowles

Beyoncé decided at the tender young age of five that she wanted to be a performer after going to a Michael Jackson concert.

She sang in the choir at church, at school, and everywhere. She honed her craft. Practice, practice, practice.

After appearing on star search in 1993, and later landing a record deal with her singing group in 1997 with Columbia Records, from there she would rise to fame in the late 1990s with the R&B girl group Destiny’s Child.

As a member of Destiny’s Child, she has sold 17 million albums. The group went on to sell more than 60 million albums worldwide. Their 1999 album ‘The Writings On The Wall’ sold over 15 million copies worldwide and was one of the top selling albums of 2000.

The release of her debut album Dangerously in Love, in 2003, turned her into a solo artist. From there she would go on to do films such as “Pink Panther” and Academy Award winner “Dreamgirls.”

Her 2007 tour, ‘The Beyoncé Experience’ grossed over $24 million following the release of her 2006 record B’Day, her 2nd studio album which spawned numerous hits and videos. She then followed up this tour with an even bigger one in 2009, ‘I Am… World Tour’ which grossed $119.5 million. 

She set a new record when she earned 6 Grammys in 2010 for ‘I Am… Sasha Fierce. Her 2009 single from the Sasha Fierce album ‘Single Ladies (Put a ring on it)’ was a huge success and in constant rotation on radio stations worldwide.

She has performed for presidents and as the headliner for the super bowl half-time show in 2013.

She also has multi-million dollar endorsement deals with L’Oreal, Coty (the perfume company) H&M and Target. She has also released at least three fragrances which has made $400 million in sales.

In 2012, Beyoncé inked a deal with Pepsi for a reported $50 million dollars.  

BEYONCE became the fastest-selling album in iTunes history and solidified her as one of the most powerful women in music.

She released her own documentary in 2013 ‘Life Is But A Dream,’ which she directed and produced. It was a rare inside peek behind the curtain of her personal life.

The 2016 release of Lemonade exclusively on Tidal debuted at No. 1, and became her sixth album. She is the first ever female artist to have every one of her solo albums debut at No 1.

As a solo artist, she has sold 16 million records in the U.S. alone and 100 million worldwide.

Beyoncé enjoys making video diaries with the help of her favorite item to do so which is a MacBook.

Beyoncé is a singer, dancer, songwriter, and entrepreneur who continues to tour worldwide while making money from concerts, merchandise, and albums.

Jay-Z and Beyoncé empire as a power couple

“Those who are successful overcome their fears and take action. Those who aren’t submit to their fears and live with regrets.” – Jay-Z

“And we have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible.” –Beyoncé

They both own equity in Tidal, which is worth $600 million. That is more than 10 times what Jay-Z paid for it.

In addition, together they both own over $100 million in Real Estate holdings.

Headlining tours independently and together for the 2014 joint On The Run Tour with Beyoncé,  has netted them millions more. This tour earned well over 9 figures with a staggering over $100 million in ticket sales. Making them one of the most profitable touring and recording artists today.

Jay-Z and Beyoncé amassed their fortune from hard work, savvy business acumen, and ownership. Simply put, they own what they do.

All this combined has made them into the billion-dollar couple you see today.

Basically, to build wealth, you have to own. Whether it is a business, stocks, or real estate the money comes from owning.

Side note: Jay-Z is a 21-time Grammy winner and Beyoncé is a 22-time winner. Just in case you were wondering.